Ayahuasca Kingpin Indicted for Fraud in Hawaii Has Ties to Jeffrey Bronfman
Ed. Note: Sherri Kane and Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz alleged they were swindled out of valuable real estate by a conniving and ayahuasca peddling lawyer named Paul J Sulla Jr. For months they worked to expose the prominent lawyer, who they allege actually forged deeds to obtain the property. And through a series of internet exposes – not unlike what we do hear at the Frank Report, Kane and Horowitz – wound up leading the crusade that led to Sulla’s indictment. What is yet to be revealed, though Kane and Horowitz make a start in this article below – is Sulla’s role in peddling ayahuasca, a plant-based psychedelic tea. It reportedly creates a near death experience and seems to put regular users into a permanent and mindless stupor.
My hearty congratulations to Sherri Kane and Leonard Horowitz for getting the first step accomplished in bringing into their lives their own justice, through the power of the pen.
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz and Sherri Kane
with excerpts from the authors’ latest book,
Ayahuasca Death Cult: The Psycho-Spiritual Delusion
(Honolulu HI (12-10-19))–Prosecutors on the Big Island of Hawaii indicted alleged ayahuasca trafficking attorney, Paul J. Sulla, Jr., on Dec. 4, 2019, for theft in the first degree and forgery in the second degree.
They also indicted his Halai Heights LLC—an alleged shell entity—used to launder stolen property which was legally-owned by the authors—celebrity doctor Leonard Horowitz and investigative journalist, Sherri Kane.
Sulla allegedly forged deeds to steal Dr. Horowitz’s properties—two parcels, totaling 17 acres, including a 5,000 sq. ft. home and spa.(The property is among Hawaii’s most unique properties. It features the Rainbow State’s only lava-heated steam saunas adjacent therapeutic bathing pools.)
The alleged theft by forgery was completed in 2016, according to the indictment, advanced by prosecutor Rick Damerville, in Hilo.

Photo: Jason Hester and recently indicted attorney, Paul J. Sulla, Jr.
After Sulla got away with allegedly stealing the 17-acre property, he swapped out the land description of one of the parcels with another parcel from a different deed which was granted to Horowitz by the County of Hawaii.
In the process of committing one of several alleged forgeries, Sulla evidently made two typos. Kane discovered these in the public record. Sulla apparently made the mistakes when copying the land description from a county deed to fake a warranty deed takeover of an important access road to the estate.
It is believed Sulla’s motive for committing this forgery was to swap the land descriptions in order to gain control of a another 10 acres of adjacent Jurassic Park-like sacred land.
The total value of the 27 acres is more than $1M.
Sulla’s alleged forgeries were actually confirmed by County of Hawaii tax officials. They contacted Sulla, and told him he could not keep the converted parcel(s).
Sulla reportedly responded with anger, and refused to accept that he was not entitled to it.
We notified the police, and when they contacted Sulla, he reportedly contradicted what he told the county tax department investigator, Lisa Miura.

Jason Hester, an accomplice of Sulla or just his buffoon?
Sulla first claimed it was an error. Then he blamed his “strawman,” Jason Hester, who is known to be a drifter with a criminal record. (Allegedly, Sulla used Hester’s signature on the paperwork to steal the parcels, and transfer them into his Halai Heights, LLC.)
But later, after blaming the “error” on Hester didn’t work, Sulla blamed Dr. Horowitz.
Sulla spread word in the community that Horowitz failed to pay the mortgage. He told a local news reporter that the charge against him was “ridiculous,” and that Horowitz contrived the crime to bolster the civil case he had against Sulla.
A grand jury disagreed and found probable cause to indict Sulla. You can read the full indictment of Paul J. Sulla, Jr. by clicking HERE.
When the heat began to come down, due in part to the authors’ investigative series on the internet, Sulla tried to flip the property, and sell the allegedly stolen parcels for $975,000. The real estate listing is shown here.

Photo: Jason Hester and recently indicted attorney, Paul J. Sulla, Jr.
This past summer, Sulla’s son, Jasun, was indicted for child pornography.
Jasun Sulla [left] is represented by his father, indicted attorney Paul J. Sulla, Jr., in the Third Circuit Court of Hawaii on charges of soliciting sex with minors and possession of child pornography.
On top of his alleged forgery theft of Dr. Horowitz’s property, attorney Sulla also runs an “Ayahuasca Church” on 67 acres on the Big Island.
In the Google Earth image of Paul J. Sulla Jr’s property below, the circular structure is his “Ayahuasca Church.”
According the DEA, and the State’s top narcotics agent, Jared Redulla, Sulla has no license to manufacture the DMT-containing ‘tea.’

Indicted for child pornography, Jasun Sulla stands behind his lawyer father.

Sulla ‘pawn’ Marc Shackman, who lives at the time of this writing in the stolen property, appears here as though he swallowed some AI.
We believe because of our lawsuits, Sulla positioned UK native, Marc Shackman, to manage the allegedly stolen spa and neighboring inn.
Immediately prior to Shackman moving in, (2016), Shackman was removed from a property in Washington State by the DEA for running a similarly-illegal ayahuasca church.
We researched the 50 plus properties Sulla allegedly owns, or the 78 (mostly) shell entities (many of them with ayahuasca tag names) that he owns or once owned. It appears he may have used (or uses) these entities to launder money or move stolen real estate, as he did in our case.
This equates to racketeering.
Interestingly, Sulla’s ayahausca church shares a similar name–THE ECLECTIC CENTER OF UNIVERSAL FLOWING LIGHT-PAULO ROBERTOSILVA E SOUZA (CEFLUPARSS) –to Jeffrey Bronfman’s ayahuasca church in Montreal.

Google Earth image of Paul J. Sulla Jr’s property. Circular structure is his “Ayahuasca Church.”

Jeffrey Bronfman appears to have the same wild-eyed ‘glazed’ look as ayahuasca devotee Marc Shackman.
Jeffrey Bronfman also runs an ayahuasca church in New Mexico in the same area as Jeffrey Epstein’s Zorro ranch.
Sulla’s most recent entity for his ayahuasca enterprise is Institute of Daime Eterno Aloha.

Paul J. Sulla Jr’s ayahuasca cult. Sulla conceals himself sitting on the far right between rows 1 & 2, as the only one wearing dark sunglasses.
From our research into the medical, neurological, and pharmacological effects of the ayahuasca ‘tea,’ that we review in our book, the Ayahuasca Death Cult, Dr. Horowitz explains that the supposed ‘benefits’ of ayahuasca come from an actual ‘near-death’ or ‘real-death’ experience resulting from the intoxication reaction associated with the simple poisoning.
The drug starves the brain of oxygen, among other impacts. The benefits people claim they get from vomiting, hallucinating, and detaching from reality, are gained without risks through traditional religions and spiritual practices such as Kriya yoga and meditation.
“The entire ‘hoasca movement’ is a fraud threatening citizens’ health and public safety in favor of drug industrialists, scam artists, and dimwits,” Dr. Horowitz says.
(A chapter by chapter summary of the book is available for reading HERE; and a more thorough overview of this story is published on JudicialCorruptionNews.com)

Facebook posting with photo: “Temple Maidens” in Sulla’s ayahuasca church cult
Silicon Valley’s Peter Thiel is among the many fans of hallucinogenic drugs being advanced by the financial elite.
In 2018, Thiel’s Compass Pathways bio-engineered 20,000 tablets of psilocybin to position Thiel on the ground floor of hallucinogenic drug “therapy” industry. Thiel is an IT mogul who gains billions in government intelligence industry contracts.
The business of ‘consciousness’ trumps ethical and moral values in an industry that competes directly against the world’s traditional religions.
The propaganda agents for the “Ayahusaca Death Cult” are numerous and powerful. We examine and report on their fake science, fake news, and fake public safety assurances, in our book.
We also examine the law, and the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Gonzales. This case begs for reconsideration with new proof of damaging and deadly ‘diversion’ occurring, largely from Hawaii, internationally.
The U.S. Government agencies, neglecting the real science in favor of pseudoscience and media hype, has been ‘captured’ by the global elite.
Big money has infiltrated and influenced the officials and agencies protecting citizens’ health and safety, our research shows.
The end result is arguably demonic.
We examine these facts in detail, and corroborate investigators who coined the descriptive “Dark Enlightenment.”
Sulla’s indictment evidences this darkness.

Peter Thiel, Silicon Valley’s data mining mogul.
Of interest and timeliness, Sulla’s agents and agencies maintained multiple ties to Jeffrey Bronfman and Jeffrey Epstein through their ‘Daime Church’ religion and its backers. These agents and entrepreneurs feature leading pharmacologists and neuroscientists at Johns Hopkins, NYU, and the Heffter Institute in New Mexico at the heart of the international ayahuasca movement and religious world subversion.
The Heffter Institute is near Jeffrey Bronfman’s main church, Jeffrey Epstein’s ranch, and a major ‘consciousness’ research and artificial intelligence think tank—the Santa Fe Institute (SFI).
Add to these neighbors and hallucinogenic drug advocates the sophisticated genetic engineering and DARPA providers at Los Alamos Labs, and the context of our book’s subtitle comes into focus: “Drug ‘Therapy’ for Depression, or Mind-Control for Profitable Transhumanism.”
These organizations and their agents collaborate with federal drug agents and agencies. The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (aka “MAPS”), and Yale, MIT and Harvard, are joined in the advancing cult enterprise.

Photo: Jason Hester and recently indicted attorney, Paul J. Sulla, Jr.
Among them, Jeffrey Epstein’s beneficiaries researching “neuroscience and spirituality,” a la Timothy Leary and Aldous Huxley, justify their actions, donations, (arguably treason) by fear, fame and fortune.
Peeling back these layers of covert military neuroscience and social engineering pseudo-science, fueling and featuring “fake ayahuasca news,” we realized one of their primary objectives. Their diversions drew attention away from the ‘Future of Religions’ financed by Sulla’s backers, who also back the CIA’s leading dream telepathy (Project Stargate) investigator, Dr. Stanley Krippner.
These devil-doers include western intelligence agencies intertwined with Deep State entrepreneurs. Their personalities include the Bronfmans, Peter Thiel, the Maxwells, Wexner, the Mega Group moguls, and Epstein’s Black Book contacts.
Overtaking the religious ‘market’ was a key objective, like Gates did with computers and Huxley predicted for religions.
Huxley’s “Soma” was Sulla’s “Ayahuasca.”
Soros became a co-investor in this movement that finances the liberal media, Democrats, the Clintons, and the PizzaGate crowd. We cover this too in our book.
We don’t ignore or exonerate The Mega Group, like most of the media does. That group contributes to Trump and heavily influences Hollywood to serve MK-ULTRA and the ongoing Mind War. The Bronfmans and Sullas’ intertwined businesses, and Peter Thiel’s undertakings in hallucinogenic drug neuroscience and AI developments for simulating and computerizing ‘consciousness,’ evidences sophisticated religious-world undermining and population subversion.
It is not serendipity that this information is outpouring at the present time. The religious world intrusion foreshadows transhumanism. Biotechnology is converting humans into something else, and advanced robotics is central to globalization’s ‘End Game’ in these “End Times.”
Copyright © 2019 by Sherri Kane and Leonard G. Horowitz. All rights reserved. Prepared for publication in The Frank Report.