Civil Rights Violators Exposed in Drug Trafficking Public Corruption Case
Honolulu, HI–The world’s most censored HIV/AIDS expert who proved the plague resulted from tainted hepatitis B vaccines (1) Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, has filed an unprecedented indictment against seven (7) Hawaii judges (i.e., Horowitz v. 7 Hawaii Judges) for depriving him of his life, liberty and properties (i.e., civil rights).
Each of the alleged lawbreakers “aided-and-abetted by willful-blindness and/or direct complicity” the theft of the doctor’s one-of-kind spa property on the Big Island of Hawaii for more than fifteen years. Each of the judges turned blind eyes to the rogue drug-trafficking “king pin,” Paul J. Sulla, Jr. (“Sulla”), orchestrated the theft scheme and malicious prosecutions.
The Complaint to the Civil Rights Commission, Horowitz v 7 Hawaii Judges ,was filed August 27, 2019 and can be downloaded here. It alleges violations of state and federal laws by Third Circuit Court judges Glenn S. Hara, Ronald Ibarra, Elizabeth Strance, Melvin Fujino, and appellate judges Lisa M. Ginoza, Katherine G. Leonard and Alexa D.M. Fujise. Each are blamed for breaking rules and laws, neglecting ethics, and permitting Hilo lawyer Sulla to convert the doctor’s property using forged documents and a sham “church.”
The Judges, according to Horowitz’s sworn complaint, are evidenced having broken a number of laws and multiple rules of “civil procedure” by “safe-harboring” Sulla’s crimes and concealing his drug trafficking and real estate money laundering enterprise.
Depriving the doctor of his rights without fair trials, the lawbreakers stole the doctor’s three neighboring geothermal spa properties by “aiding-and-abetting by willful-blindness and/or direct complicity” Sulla’s foreclosure fraud.
Typically, are judges immune from lawsuits. But in this case officials are alleged to not only have broken laws, but done so with no jurisdiction whatsoever. Ruling without jurisdiction makes the defendants and the State of Hawaii liable for Horowitz’s damages.
Horowitz, his family, and ministry were ejected from their home and spa property without a fair trial. The “railroading” took place in 2015 and involved three of the seven malpracticing judges, Ibarra, Strance and Fujino. The courts neglected to gain personal jurisdiction or subject matter jurisdiction.
Initially, a jury awarded Horowitz $200,000 after facts showed the seller–Sulla’s predecessor-in-interest–had misrepresented the spa as a legally operating business. Foreclosure was denied and Horowitz paid off the full amount of the mortgage.
Then, nearly two years later, Sulla foreclosed again after influencing Ibarra to “vacate” the $200,000 jury award that Horowitz has months earlier used as a “judgement credit” along with $153,000 cash to pay-off the note. After Sulla and his co-conspirators illegally refused to release the mortgage, Ibarra cancelled the jury award on a contrived “technicality,” and later granted Sulla Horowitz’s $1 million property.
The false “technicality” used to deprive the doctor, tie him up in courts since 2008, and steal his properties is solidly debunked in Horowitz’s Supreme Court Reply to Sulla downloadable here.

Click this banner to read the shocking decision by these judges.
On July 22, 2019, the Judges Genoza, Fruise and Leonard of the Intermediate Court of Appeals (“ICA”) reversed Sulla’s non-judicial foreclosure that caused Horowitz and his family to be ejected from their property.
But their ICA tribunal contrived an “outrageous” excuse for evading the alleged theft. They evaded the $200,000 jury award funds and Horowitz’s complete mortgage payments by “waiving” the matter. And they falsely blamed Horowitz for their waiver!
The judges ruled that Horowitz had “waived” the issue by not ordering required “oral transcripts” when, in fact, they were not required at all to prove Horowitz’s case against Sulla and Ibarra.
The concealed Record on Appeal showed Ibarra had “whited out” crucial evidence–hand written notes penned by his subordinate judge, Glenn S. Hara, who acted as Horowitz’s first defense lawyer. Hara had illegally concealed his evidence and witness at trial and fixed the trial by persuading Horowitz’s second lawyer, John S. Carroll, to block Hara’s summons.

Judge Ronald Ibarra lecturing to the community on law enforcement. Sulla image with his sham plaintiff photo-shopped in the background.
Ibarra further tampered with “The Hara File” evidence by administering the white-outs that appear on the Record.
The Record also showed Sulla and his co-counsel, Dan O’Phelan, fraudulently influenced Ibarra to “vacate” the doctor’s jury-awarded funds in order to justify a second foreclosure action. That tied Horowitz up in the corrupted courts for another decade.
The three lower courts, each impacted by the ICA’s reversal, each committed multiple violations of rules and laws aiding-and-abetting Sulla.
They each concealed Sulla’s personal conflicting interests, broke rules requiring Sulla’s joinder as a the “proper-party-plaintiff,” and aided-and-abetted Sulla’s theft scheme.
Sulla currently controls the illegally-gained property, and is using it for drug commerce according to police, DEA officials, and FBI investigators who are allegedly continuing their investigations, but would not comment on anything.
Sulla was Publicly Censured in 2003 for arguing “like a reckless man” to evade taxes. He was subsequently engaged with agents under contract with the CIA, Russian cocaine traffickers, and several real estate money launderers, according to Horowitz’s court filings, all neglected by the courts.(2)
Sulla was thereby permitted to persecute and prosecute the award-winning doctor for more than a decade, protected by the courts that refused to reveal Sulla’s disguise as a suspected federal agent. Sulla created the sham “church” “Foreclosing Mortgagee” (i.e., corporate fiction) supposedly under covert investigations for drug trafficking and money laundering. Sulla created the fake entity by forgery to steal the property.
The Complaint to the Civil Rights Commission of the State of Hawaii filed August 27, 2019 by Horowitz can be downloaded here. This filing was developed with the help of ProSeLegalAide.com that the doctor credits for help he never received from six lawyers he had hired to combat the corruption. The award-winning author and filmmaker’s Reply to Sulla’s Response Brief filed in the Supreme Court of Hawaii on September 4th, supplements his Complaint to Civil Rights Commissioners.
[Editor’s Note:]
At the time this Horowitz v 7 Hawaii Judges article went to press on September 6, 2019, as headline news heralded corruption in the U.S. Department of Justice, Hawaii Supreme Court Chief Justice Mark Recktenwald, overseeing all of the aforementioned judges, published a proposal to exempt lying lawyers engaged in “covert actions” such as Sulla, from disciplinary actions.
This would establish a national precedent by which other states could similarly protect mob lawyers damaging people through covert actions such as drug or sex trafficking. You are encouraged to file your opposition to this “appearance of impropriety” by e-mailing your PUBLIC COMMENT, or faxing or snail-mailing your comments, “no later than Friday, September 20, 2019, to the Judiciary Communications & Community Relations Office via the Judiciary’s website PUBLIC COMMENT form.
Mail to 417 South King Street, Honolulu, HI 96813, or fax 808-539-4801. The office number 539-4910 cannot accept your required written opposition.
Please use the PUBLIC COMMENT form online.(3) Copy and paste into the first open field: “Proposal to Amend Rule 8.4(c) of the Hawaii Rules of Professional Conduct–EXEMPTING COVERT GOVERNMENT INVESTIGATIONS.”
Then paste and e-mail your opposing statement in the second open field, such as:
I strongly oppose the “Proposal to Amend Rule 8.4(c) of the Hawaii Rules of Professional Conduct–EXEMPTING COVERT GOVERNMENT INVESTIGATIONS” because:
(1) It is unclear, ill-defined, and lacks ‘transparency’ defying the positive intent of ‘Sunshine Acts’ and citizens’ participation in government;
(2) Disciplinary oversight and law enforcement has failed miserably to protect citizens against lying lawyers that this proposal would protect and worsen;
(3) This rule change appears to permit lawyers to lie about anything, including “participating” in “covert actions” in which people may be killed, severely injured, or deprived of their rights and properties by rogue agents in government, and possibly the underworld too;
(4) the legislative branch of government (that gives and/or permits the judicial branch of government ethics rules) has not received adequate Notice of this proposed rule change and justification(s) for it;
(5) The public too has not received adequate information about this rule change to give ‘informed consent’ to this proposal;
(6) Corruption in the Department of Justice is rampant as news headlines herald daily. Shady lawyers lying about participating in assorted crimes committed “under color of law” would further damage DOJ and local courts, in effect, encouraging injustice, citizens’ scorn, and potential violence; (6) The civil and criminal justice system depends on “telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”
By permitting government lawyers, or even mob attorneys who claim to be participating (as informants or consultants) in “legal government covert operations,” this license to lie and commit fraud rips at the fabric of the American justice system and law enforcement. This unconscionable rule change exclusively favors the covert operators, secret operations, and organized crime syndicates; not just the ‘good-guys’ in government, and certainly no citizens needing protection from organized crime and corrupted courts.
(1) Following Dr. Horowitz’s scientific peer-reviewed publications on the lab virus origin and vaccine transmission of HIV/AIDS, the United Nations AIDS Group and U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) officials censored Dr. Horowitz pleas to stop the global genocide that has killed approximately 40 million people thus far in favor of Big Pharma and profitable global depopulation objectives.
(2) Dr. Horowitz, who holds a post-doctoral master’s degree from Harvard University School of Public Health, opposes Mr. Recktenwald’s proposed rule change largely because of the tragic impact lying lawyers engaged in government, especially in “covert actions,” have had on distressed and damaged citizens.
Lying lawyers are damaging and severely distressing. Distress causes disease.
Disease causes death. A judicial system that neglects, conceals, or aids-and-abets this “negligent manslaughter” should be condemned to protect the public’s health and safety. (3)
(3) In a special Rock the Boat Hawaii radio show segment Dr. Horowitz and his partner, Sherri Kane, discuss the ““Precedent-setting ‘License to Kill’ for Lawyers.”
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