Segment One:
“Solidarity with Sacred Mauna Kea ‘Protectors'”.
Aired August 10th. Click to Listen
Segment Two:
“Why Hawaii Residents are So Sick”.
Aired August 17th. Click to Listen
Segment Three:
“Vaccination and Antibiotic Alternatives
Resonating in ‘LOVE 528′”
Aired August 24th. Click to Listen
Segment Four:
“New Hawaii Vaccine Mandates'”
Aired August 31st. Click to Listen
Segment Five:
“Precedent-setting ‘License to Kill’ for Lawyers”
Aired Sept. 7th. Click to Listen
Segment Six:
“TMT Governor Ige Bribery Scandal”
Aired Sept. 14th. Click to Listen
Segment Seven:
“Is There ‘Probable Cause’ to Indict Gov. David Ige for Racketeering in the TMT Scandal?”
Aired Sept. 21st. Click to Listen
Segment Eight:
“The Secret TMT Military Story: Control Over Hawaii’s Thirty Meter Telescope, Rail Projects and Mass Mind“
Airing Sept. 28th. Click to Listen
Segment Nine:
“The Government’s New ‘Plan’ to Defraud Everyone About Delaying the TMT–the Perfect Strategic Military ‘WarScope’ in the Concealed Pacific Defense Against China and Russia”
Aired Oct. 5th. Click to Listen
Segment Ten:
“The Hawaiian Genocide: Princess Ku’uleialoha of the Hawaiian Kingdom (aka Carmen Ka’anā’anā) and ‘The HOROKANE’ Oppose the Systematic Commercial Depopulation and Cultural Degradation of Natives.
Aired Oct. 5th. Click to Listen
Segment Eleven:
“What’s Wrong with Politics: The ‘Divide to Conquer Scheme’
Aired Oct. 5th. Click to Listen
Final Segment, Twelve:
“The Vaccine Kingpin Bill Gates Pedophile Scandal: Jeffrey Epstein, AI & the Population Controlling ‘Deep State’.
Airing Oct. 26th. Click to Listen
Holy War Zone Forms to
Advance World Peace at Sacred Site of
Hawaii’s Largest Protest in History
Premiered August 3, 2019, ‘Rock the Boat Hawaii‘ is among the most hard-hitting controversial radio talk shows in America. Focused mainly on issues impacting ‘paradise’ and its people, the celebrity hosts regularly discuss Hawaii’s important role in national proceedings and news headlines. The focus is typically on matters of health, safety and free-will.
Rock the Boat Hawaii is broadcast by HHawaii Media on SHAKA 96.7 FM on Saturday mornings, 8-9a.m. The shows are archived on RevolutionTelevision.net. The regular hosts are known as ‘The HOROKANE.’ The audacious couple includes Harvard-trained award-winning author, filmmaker, and public health and emerging diseases expert, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz; and Fox News defector, psychosocial analyst, and investigative journalist, Sherri Kane.
SHAKA 96.7 FM this most popular Hawaiian music station. And these hosts broadcast in solidarity with ‘The Protectors’ of Mauna Kea who gather in the “Aloha Zone” –not to be confused with a ‘Holy War Zone’ although The HOROKANE argues otherwise.
Advancing world peace through the ‘Aloha Spirit’ from the sacred Mauna, the controversial opener targeted the fraudulent concealment of the ‘dual use’ U.S. military technology and alleged ‘Luciferian influence’ threatening people worldwide, if and when TMT is permitted to go online.
Mauna Kea has become the site of the largest native Hawaiian/Anglo-American standoff in history.
The native land was converted by corrupted courts and allegedly bribed government officials concealing fraud in the propaganda used to railroad public support for the ‘dual use’ astronomy and military research and development project.
At the time of the first broadcast the HOROKANE’s ‘Rock the Boat Hawaii‘ segment was welcomed by thousands of ‘protectors’ risking their lives to block construction of the proposed ‘Thirty Meter Telescope’ (TMT), said to be “the world’s most powerful.” The unwanted “desecration” was planned atop the world’s highest mountain–sacred Mauna Kea.
On September 7, The HOROKANE broadcast shocking opposition to the State of Hawaii’s abuse of the Judiciary to advance an ethics rule change permitting lawyers to lie. Christened ‘The License to Kill’ amendment by Dr. Horowitz, political action is required in writing by September 20, 2019 to oppose the threat to both the civil and criminal courts.
Click here to download a free Rock The Boat Hawaii flier to share with friends.
What Prompted the Show?
The case of Horowitz and Kane v. Sulla and Ott prompted this activism. That lawsuit has been stonewalled by U.S. District Judge J. Michael Seabright since 2015. That case, and several state cases ongoing, educated the couple through the ‘Law School of Hard Knocks.” They realized how corrupt Hawaii’s courts are. The full extent of the corruption is unconscionable, arguably unprecedented, and certainly far beyond what ‘normal’ citizens’ mindsets permit.
The couple swallowed the ‘red pill’ in 2009 when they began to be defamed and damaged online by America’s most rabid White supremacist, Alma C. Ott. It was Ott who branded them ‘The HOROKANE.’ Ott allied with a local lying lawyer from Boston, Paul J. Sulla, Jr, operating from Hilo, HI.
Discovery evidence filed with the courts proved that Sulla had served as the nation’s leading ayahuasca drug trafficking kingpin. Yet, the Hilo lawyer, with several links to the CIA, had been given tremendous support and protection by the courts.
Horowitz trained at Harvard in public health and became a world leading emerging diseases expert. The corrupt Hawaii courts have taught him law.
The doctor partnered with Fox News defector and child sex trafficking investigator Sherri Kane to output a half dozen prophetic and award-winning books and films. Their works include the ‘Best Film–2016’ at the World International Film Festival (WIFF) competitions in London and Geneva for UN-VAXXED: A Docu-commentary for Robert De Niro.
This movie followed the couple’s 2015 book titled Space Pearl Harbor. In solidarity with the protectors, the couple donated their 38-minute online docu-commentary, SPACE PEARL HARBOR: The Treason and Deception on Mt. Mauna Kea. that you can view for free.
In 2018, The HOROKANE released a full-length feature titled, SPACEGATE: The Militarization of Sacred Mauna Kea. That expose’ includes revelations about the military-industrial imposition of fracking for hydrogen fuel to support ‘weaponized drones’ through the secretive Puna Geothermal Project that caused the damaging lava flow that destroyed 300 homes.
Horowitz and Kane were the first to leak evidence and break news of military involvement in the TMT and Puna Geothermal. They proved the TMT’s pubic deception, prompting project officials to edit and delete their initial public fraud.
Prepare yourself for riveting listening as The HOROKANE powerfully Rock-the-Boat Hawaii.
– End –
In Solidarity and Support ‘The HOROKANE’ Donated for Free Viewing Two Related Video Productions
Treason and Deception on Mauna Kea
a Film by Dr. Leonard Horowitz
Co-hosted by Sherri Kane
Grasp the gross human rights abuses violating people’s health and safety internationally.
The native Hawaiian protectors are laying their lives on the line to protect all of us globally, on their sacred property. Comprehend what is ongoing by watching these films, and demonstrate your support with prayers NOW!
Read more about it HERE. And if you enjoy reading, get the information-packed e-book too.
UPS workers hold upside-down Hawaii flags in solidarity with ‘The Protectors’.
The Militarization of Sacred Mauna Kea
Dr. Leonard Horowitz
Co-hosted by Melissa Yee & Sherri Kane
In this docu-commentary, you will learn the truth about the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), its planned construction, and the Deep State’s contrived partnership in it with China, Japan, India, Canada and U.S. universities concealing military involvements on the Big Island of Hawaii. This is high level investigative journalism exposing little known agendas stymied by the “Protectors.”
Are you concerned about the environment and the health and safety of civilization? Then you MUST VIEW this presentation.
Do you recall the recent lava flow that destroyed 300 homes on the Big Island? Watch this film to grasp the MILITARY HYDROGEN FUEL FRACKING ongoing at “Puna Geothermal” that caused the explosive, fiery and damaging eruption.
You will also learn that the ‘fake news’ media is purposely neglecting the “game changing” Star Wars weaponry, with U.S. double agents and globalists transferring “dual use” military technology called “Adaptive Optics” (AO) to China, risking America’s space supremacy and the West’s nuclear defenses controlled by satellite telecommunications in cyberspace according to official reports.
‘The Rock’ lends his celebrity to the Protectors, blesses the thousands
“laying their lives on the line” to defeat callous injustice. Click the banner to view his interview on site at sacred Mauna Kea.
The Rock supports Mauna Kea freedom fighters and sacred ‘aina’ protectors.
Want to Know How Hawaii Became So Corrupt?
Click to View this Moving Pictorial Illustrating The EAGLES Masterpiece, The Last Resort, by Don Henley and Glenn Frey.
Click to view a moving video illustrating The EAGLES masterpiece, The Last Resort, by Don Henley and Glenn Frey that will bring tears to your eyes.
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Simply put, it’s a natural, powerful body re-charger.
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We’re proud to support Rock The Boat Hawaii and Mauna Kea.
In case your not signed up to receive Healthy World News, sign up HERE for article such as these:
Chelsea Clinton’s Leadership in Media Conglomerate Exposes Conflicting World Bank Interests in Vimeo Vaccine Racket and AIDS Genocide
Genocidal Censorship Vets
Chelsea Clinton, Top Political Financiers, and Bronfman Crime Family as Media Companies Hide Life-Saving Intelligence for Depopulation
LAS VEGAS, NV (July 16, 2019)– “Gross genocidal hypocrisy” is what the world’s leading HIV/AIDS origin scientist and vaccine risk analyst, Harvard-trained Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, calls Vimeo.com‘s decision to trash the doctor’s pioneering video library because the mega-media conglomerate’s parent, IAC (InterActiveCorp), is heavily implicated in World Bank genocide pushed by the Clinton Foundation, and especially Chelsea Clinton, co-director of IAC.
IAC/Vimeo is controlled by three people:
(1) senior officer and leading political financier Barry Diller;
(2) World Bank and Clinton Foundation AIDS-ambassador Chelsea Clinton; and
(3) convicted criminal Edgar Bronfman who appears with Donald Trump, Henry Kissinger, and numerous celebrities in child-sex-trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Black Book.’
Personal friend and Clinton business associate, Ghislaine Maxwell (daughter of presumed assassinated Mossad-linked media mogul, Robert Maxwell) is the “elephant under the carpet.” Don’t trip over the “Lady of the House” — Epstein’s salacious ‘handler’ — who the Clinton’s invited to Chelsea’s wedding, and The Clinton Global [Drug-care] Initiative engaged in profitable HIV/AIDS commerce. This secret agent that the media and law enforcers suspiciously excuse is The Swamp’s achilles heal. She served Epstein’s appetite for underage sex-slaves, and the Deep State’s appetite for extortionate videos.
“Now you know why urgently needed vaccine safety studies have never been carried out,” Dr. Horowitz explained. “This intelligence reveals why vaccination risks have been censored, and why professionals who object to this ongoing genocide are smeared as ‘kooks,’ marginalized as ‘conspiracy theorists,’ and ‘neutralized’ in many devious ways. Government AIDS and vaccine programs are financed by the World Bank and Deep State. This is the concealed enterprise served by Chelsea Clinton and Barry Diller—propagandists in a business far too profitable, and geopolitically vital for medical population control, to be critically-investigated, or to allow dissent.”
READ ALL ABOUT IT by clicking Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Black Book’ Banner above..
‘Public Duty’ Compels this Notice Alerting You to the Real Threat Underlying the Newly Announced “International Ebola Emergency”
EBOLA’s ‘smoking gun,’ solidly exposed in this article, is a lab virus called “Rhabdovirus simian.” It was initially a rabies-type virus that either ran in rodents, or were tested in lab rats and mice then escaped to the wild following early genetic-engineering studies and cancer trials.
Very few people still alive know this origin of Ebola for sure, and those who do keep silent, or are silenced.
This author, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, is one who has been silenced by the United Nations AIDS Group, the entire academic healthcare community, and the mainstream media.
Ebola is a lab virus and vaccine industry-originated ‘bioweapon.” It is evidenced in this article as the ‘smoking gun’ to decommission the entire global bio-genocide network.
The current “Ebola Emergency” does, indeed, threaten global populations, primarily because this smoking gun has been, and continues to be, purposely neglected by the scientific community and the media in the business of fanning fears in favor of those profiting most from the mass killings.
The actual Ebola virus ‘smoking gun’ was made known by recent news reports covering the “International Ebola Emergency.”
The news and declarations corroborated what this author has been predicting for more than two decades.
I exclusively proved by 1996 according to scientific research that this depopulation agent sourced from the same lab and U.S. Govt. financed and secreted program, as its Marburg virus predecessor.
CLICK HERE to be fully informed and forewarned.
Dr. Horowitz Quack-Buster Proves Google Fixes Searches to Secure Medical Monopoly, ‘Neutralize’ Vaccine Opponents, and Conceal Profitable Depopulation-by-Injection for ‘Deep State’ Protection
Two can play this game.
The “good guy,” “Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz quack-buster,” versus the bad guys favored by Google who invented “Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz quack;” fixed search engines to ‘neutralize’ the real doctor; conceal vaccine-cancer science and widespread blood-contamination damage; aided-and-abetted ‘fake wikipedia’ reports prejudicially-depriving natural care providers of their rights and dignity; and directed Internet traffic to propaganda programs that are enabled by Deep State actors in the pharmaceutical industry’s shadows.
All this to make it appear “Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz quack” is the same as Leonard G. Horowitz quack-buster.
These two identities are not the same, and here’s why: “Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz quack” was invented to ‘neutralize Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz quack-buster” to conceal Anglo-American genocide destroying nations commercially, and controlling populations prejudicially.
CLICK HERE to read the whole story.
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz
and Sherri Kane
Click this banner to view The HOROKANE’s infomercial explaining the wonderful benefits of OxySilver vaccine and antibiotic competitor.
Epic Revolution Television ‘Infomercial’ Whacks Vaccine and Antibiotic Poisoning Favoring ‘OxySilver’—a Natural Cure for ‘Greening Medicine’.
While governments and news conglomerates censor vaccination risks and antibiotic poisoning of people and the environment, and deadly drugs, related crimes and suicides are exploding to destroy families and communities while burdening the economy.
The simplest solution is suggested in a new video produced by Harvard-trained science scholar, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz.
Viewers get a ‘heads-up’ for ‘greening medicine’ modeled by a successful, time-tested, safe and effective natural cure initially developed by NASA Science called OxySilver, that Dr. Horowitz reformulated for over-the-counter access and consumer advocacy.
* View the video, and use as directed.
Ayahuasa Cult ‘Burn-Outs’ Burden Courts with ‘Drugged-out’ ‘Criminally-complicit’ State and Federal Officials
Son-of-Sulla Indicted for
Child Pornography
Sherri Kane
YOU MAY RECALL that attorney Paul J. Sulla, Jr. of Hilo, Hawaii stole Dr. Horowitz’s home and health-spa (with state and federal courts’ complicity) using forged securities–mortgages, notes and deeds.
Dr. Horowitz has been battling against this ‘Judicial Racket’ harboring Sulla for more than ten years.
In early May 2019, the complicit Intermediate Court of Appeals concealed Sulla’s criminal involvements, harbored the drug kingpin’s wrongdoings, and avoided Sulla’s bribery of fellow ‘court officers.’
Although they did ‘vacate’ Sulla’s illegal non-judicial foreclosure on the doctor’s property, they ‘remanded’ the case back to the same corrupted ‘Drug Court‘ that aided-and-abetted Sulla’s criminal enterprise.
Here’s an ‘update’ for those with strong stomachs. This article details the disgusting, UNCONSCIONABLE, false, damaging, distressing, and irreparably-harming sentiments generated by our ‘neighbors’ in America’s leading Ayahuasca (DMT trafficking) Narco-Empire.
The ‘burn-outs’, damaged by Sulla and the complicit officials in the “judicial Racket,” are currently under federal investigation for widespread corruption in the ‘Aloha State’ damaging citizens across the U.S.
You will read about the incredible criminal psychopathology, absolute self-absorbed uncivilized insanity– the delusional state of incapacity to grasp reality–demonstrated by ‘drug church’ burn-outs. God Help America!
This Narco-cult is now spreading across the U.S., Canada, Mexico and overseas, thanks largely to the Deep State’s investments in Hawaii, Big Pharma’s corruption, and criminal negligence, enabling this damaging and soul-condemning drug enterprise to spread its poison
across the ‘Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.’
Our neighbors’ behavior exhibits what ayahuasca ‘drug church’ followers do after being brain-damaged by DMT, and other psychotropic drugs, flowing worldwide from Hawaii.
These Sulla-backers demonstrate what Americans across the United States will need to defend against as law enforcers continue to permit Sulla’s minions to expand their profit-making across the country.
Here, I relay the real story from ‘Ayahuasca Church Central”–the ‘Puna Community’ in Hawaii–the only natural tropical rain-forest region in America wherein the hoasca plants rapidly grow, and Sulla’s racket manufactures,traffics, and promotes over the Internet their contraband.
Public Corruption Explosion Surrounds America’s Largest Drug Trafficking Ring, Tying Russian and Japanese Narco-Empire to Hawaii Kingpin, Paul J. Sulla, Jr.
Read all about it now, in this exclusive news and analysis feature. CLICK HERE.
Prefer a video download, view ‘The HOROKANE’s’ latest heroic production by clicking this banner:
Read the Astonishing CENSORED Truth About
Who Really Controls The Pacific Arena
and the East-West Maritime Narco-Empire
Important republished article
Wayne Madsen
Then, read this Story About
A San Francisco Couple that Got ‘Raked-Over-the-Coals’ by Hawaii’s Corrupt Lawyers and ‘Retiring’ Judge Joseph Cardoza
by Retired CIA Intel Analyst
Quentin Thomas Wells
(on behalf of the Giordano Family)
Still think You Want to Vacation in Hawaii?
Here’s Help For Everyone Distressed by the ‘Judicial Racket’
In Case You Missed:
What Anti-Vaxxers Do in Ignorance,
Evil-Obedience and ‘Cognitive Dissonance’
I POSTED THIS VIDEO featuring Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. not only because it outputs EXCELLENT INFORMATION, but because it evidences a great tragedy that remains neglected.
This injustice continues to be done to humanity, damaging more than my partner, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz.
This response to my critics, and Dr. Horowitz’s detractors and ‘blacklisters’ explains why no matter how good the ‘new generation’ of anti-vaxxers are, or appear, they are still ‘controlled opposition’ compared to the ‘super hero’ Horowitz.
Dr. Horowitz has been at the forefront of opposing the genocide that attorney Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is now more forcefully bringing to light.
In this video, aside filmmaker Del BigTree, Kennedy heroically addresses what Horowitz has been outputting for 20-years in scientific publications, audios and videos.
Yet, there is nothing in Kennedy’s video that draws attention to Dr. Horowitz’s contributions, nor the ‘VAXXED’ movement’s neglect of the doctor’s heroic service and forewarning, that largely serves as the basis for what is falsely labeled and smeared as ‘vaccine hesitancy.’
You think this message is ‘self-serving,’ or damaging to the movement(s) at large. Think again. . . .
CLICK HERE to read more.
Genius Doctor Professor, a Leading American Neuropsychiatrist and ‘Consciousness’ Expert, Vernon Neppe, Talks Frankly with Sherri Kane and Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz about . . .
This is Part I of a three part series is titled, “Evil Obedience, Consciousness & Salvation.” Part I deals with the ‘psychosocial pathology’ central to the degeneration of society. This is “Evil Obedience.” The diagnosis is applicable to those who defend vaccines, blindly believing Big Pharma’s lies. Alternatively, the phrase is also applicable to those who argue, “Vaccines are good, we just want safer vaccines,” as explained in the feature article above.
Part II is forthcoming. It delves into Neppe’s fascinating research with world leading mathematician Edward Close concerning nine-dimensional physics impacting human consciousness. In this realm, yet to be grasped by the scientific community, answers to many of the world’s most perplexing problems are revealed.
In Part III, Neppe, Kane and Horowitz address the remedies guided by prophesies, mathematics, and consciousness to evolve civilization beyond its current state of confusion and enslavement in “Evil Obedience.”
This series was supported by your donations and purchases from HealthyWorldStore.com, CureShoppe.com, and the non-profit Medical Veritas International, Inc. Take advantage of the ‘Package Specials’ discounted below.
Quantum Conversation LIVE Show
with Dr. Leonard Horowitz
This is the Archive of the Live Interview
To listen now, click:
The Solfeggio Frequencies Healing Interview
with Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz by Lauren Galey
Read a double-blind science study on the 528Hz frequency proving dramatically-increased immunity from the sound wave itself.
Register to receive HealthyWorldNews.com newsletters containing great discounts on Dr. Horowitz’s products, such as the
OxySilver-3 Pack
Liquid Dentist,
CBD528, Zeolove, 528Rejuvenate and OxySilver For Pets.
In Case You Missed Our Vaccination Religious Exemption Issue
Religious Vaccine Hesitancy:
Divine Law vs Medical Deities
Religious ‘Vaccine Hesitancy’ is where the ‘rubber meets the road’ in ‘spiritual warfare’ and War On We The People.
Is religious vaccination hesitancy hypocrisy, or is it well-justified by Divine law? Read this updated article first published by Dr. Horowitz and friends in 1999, to understand why only ignorant or demonically-possessed fools worship medical deities and comply with deadly propaganda.
• • •
Great News Announcement
We Proudly Herald the Best Hope for Healthcare
Dr. Horowitz’s Online Course for Home Caregivers and Professionals
People generally agree, MIRACLES HAPPEN. ‘Spontaneous remissions’ of cancers, extraordinary survival stories, and even success in every part of life has often been attributed to miracles. For the first time in history, we can explain the dynamics of miracle-making. CLICK HERE to learn the art and science of making miracles. Invest in miracles, prosper from ‘Transforming Caregiving‘ through ‘Frequency Rehab’ miracle-making!
528hz Single TUNING FORK HOLDER features a 528hz Electro-magnetized Orgone Generator for Biofield Clearing, Pain Reduction, and Chakra Balancing.
There’s a reason the World Health Organization put “vaccine hesitancy” on the list of top threats to global health in 2019.
It’s the same reason the United Nations’ AIDS-group censored certain vaccine science.
And its also the same reason Google blocked 157 videos only days before the “Ebola Emergency” of 2014.
That reason is: DR. LEONARD HOROWITZ and his challenging scientific contributions . . .
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