Photo by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, Oct. 5, 2019. Thousands marched.
Princess Files TRO to Halt TMT Pending Recognition of the Returning Sovereign of the Hawaiian Kingdom
Hilo, HI (JudicialCorruptionNews.com)–Princess Ku’uleialoha of the Hawaiian Kingdom (aka Carmen Ka’anā’anā) filed a TRO in the Third Circuit Court of Hawaii to enjoin further action regarding the construction of the world’s most powerful telescope on Mauna Kea. The site is considered sacred to Native Hawaiians protecting against the illegal conversion and misrepresented use of the land by the de facto military State of Hawaii.
Princess Ku’uleialoha’s filing provides legal notice to Mayor Harry Kim and Governor David Ige to delay indefinitely any further constructions of telescopes on the Mauna, and cease further actions, including negotiations with ‘The Protectors’, until the State can provide “a superior title of ownership to the construction site, and until they formally recognize the returning Sovereign as they are legally required to do.”
Returning Sovereign Gives Notice of Land Repossession by the Kingdom
“The Hawaiian Kingdom is a Constitutional Hereditary Monarchy,” the Princess explained. “A monarchy, according to Black’s Law Dictionary, is ‘a government in which the supreme power is vested in a single person. … It is hereditary where the regal power descends immediately from the possessor to the next heir by blood,..”.
Only “a single person” is the de jure (legal) representative of the Hawaiian Kingdom, the Princess continued. “That person is legally known as the Temporarily Ousted Returning Sovereign under the Laws of War (See: http://www.freedomforhawaii.
“And those laws require the provisional governing organization of the Belligerent Military Occupation of the Kingdom (aka the State of Hawaii) to have ‘legal relations’ with the temporarily ousted returning Sovereign.
“The State has never had any kind of relations with the single legal representative of the Kingdom, but then again, the State has never administered the occupation legally,” the Honorable Ku’uleialoha continued.
“The laws of war clearly state that cultural property may not be seized or destroyed under any circumstances.
“But then again, the State has never, in 126 years, cared for the Hawaiian people, or their rights under the laws, or their rights to self-determination, nor even their rights as fellow beings entitled to common human decency.”
“That we are under war by the USA is an indisputable fact, not a matter of academic debate.”
The Princess issued a press release with a copy of her court filing, including the adjacent photo of the Judiciary of the State of Hawaii. It showed that behind all the sworn judges are flags for which they stand, edged with a gold fringe and topped with golden emblems. This indicates these courtrooms are Army imposed courts.
“Therefore, every court in the de facto state of Hawaii is in fact, an Army court. Because this is a war and the Hawaiian Kingdom is a military occupied nation,” there can be no confidence placed in these courts.
“That is akin to asking your jailers to set you free, ‘pretty please’,” the Princess chided.
“We expect absurd to flimsy grounds for denial and an appeal,” she added, reflecting on the history of Third Circuit Court corruption regularly exposed on JudicialCorruptionNews.com.
Recognizing this corruption, and presuming injustice is all that can issue from this de facto court, the Princess is simultaneously filing her Motion to Enjoin TMT process with international organizations and courts .
“We the people of the Hawaiian Kingdom, are responsible for our own lives and future,” the Princess wrote. “We deserve our fate, until we unite against all fear, and stand firm in the face of all obstacles, until our Sovereign and Sovereignty is restored.
“Don’t be fooled by propaganda, sell-out politicians, and owned media,” she added. “TMT is not about science. It’s about war.
‘The truth and facts are that TMT has no legal right on Maunakea, for any reason.
TMT “Dual Use” Military and Science Projecty Rejected with Prejudice Against Fraud

Click to read a related article on the concealed military connections.
“The truth and facts is that this is war. Not just a prolonged 126 year belligerent military occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom by the United States of America, but TMT is a weapon of war,” Princess Ku’uleialoha continued.
“The fact is that this is an endeavor of the Military-Industrial Complex.
“There is no appeal to them for human rights or legal rights, they will do anything to build their weapon.
“Investigations by ‘The HOROKANE’ (aka Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz and Sherri Kane) exposed this and much more.

Click to view this free video production.
“Parsons Brickerhoff, the lead contractor on the Honolulu Rail Project debacle bleeding the taxpayers, is also the contractor for TMT.
“Parsons Brickerhoff is the leading expert, and the largest designer and constructor of underground military bases in the world. Including the USA’s Raven Rock installation (also known as the ‘underground pentagon’).
“The center of the array of mirrors for TMT is the semiconductor, microchip, intelligence industry’s most advanced surveillance and reconnaissance technology ever developed. It was produced by the U.S. Air Force.
“This ‘eye’ of the telescope is the CCID prototype chip based on technology that Gordon Moore advanced at Intel.
“Gordon Moore (aka the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation) is the biggest funder(s) of TMT. Moore made his $10.4 billion net worth mainly from computer chip semiconductors serving military markets.
“By merging the reconnaissance and warfare guidance capability of the TMT to satellite and drone combat operations, America is positioned to project force anywhere in the Pacific, and probably planet wide.
“The incalculable damage they want to do will dig so deep into the Earth (e.g., by fracking and tunneling), that they will cause one disaster after another; like they caused in the volcanic eruption of 2018, destroying Leilani Estates.”
“According to Dr. Michael Salla,” the Princess added, “the evidence suggests that the eruption was probably caused by fracking and secretive activities by Puna Geothermal.”

Click to listen to ‘The HOROKANE’ discuss this topic on radio.
Details of this, and scientific support for this conclusion, was broadcast locally on Olelo Community Media. The 2018 film by The HOROKANE prompted by acttivist Dr. Malissa Yee is titled, SPACEGATE: The Militarization of Sacred Mauna Kea (click for a free viewing donated in solidarity and public duty.) The lava flow suspiciously encircled and entirely spared Puna Geothermal, but devastated all the land surrounding the military project. Officials could not have planned and coordinated a better result, effectively clearing miles of adjacent land for more fracking wells and hydrogen fuel manufacturing. All neglecting the collateral damage to citizens and the sacred Mauna.
Hawaii and Hawaiians Deserve Better
Hawaiians contributed immeasurably to science and navigation projects benefiting the world. The Kanaka Maole created the outrigger canoe, described by the Princess as “that tiny master of the wildest ocean tempest.” Hawaiian invented the most beautiful, loving and artful communications system called the hula. Hawaiians invented surfing. Hawaiians have also contributed greatly to natural healing methods and herbal medicines advancing globally.
For all these reasons, Hawaiians deserve to be treated like honored members of the global community, not culturally defiled, commercially exploited, and legally ignored under concealed military malfeasance and injustice.
“Wake up. Rise up. Stand up!” appealed the Princess to Hawaiians and supporters worldwide.
“We are Maunakea. We are One.”
The notice was signed by Princess Ku’uleialoha of the Hawaiian Kingdom (aka Carmen Ka’anā’anā)
A copy of the TRO, Complaint and Motion are @ http://freedomforhawaii.com/
Click below to view Court Filing Docs:
The Princess’s Official Website: