Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz
Sherri Kane
(JudicialCorruptionNews.com; December 6, 2020)
Las Vegas, NV–Rejection of the Trump Administration’s litigation in Nevada by Judge James T. Russell has direct ties to organized crime personified by MGM Grand Resorts International chief, James Murren, currently in charge of the COVID-19 response for the State.
Also heavily implicated is past Clark County Commission Chair, now Governor, Steve Sisolak, for complicity in election fraud and the “Las Vegas Deep State Massacre” committed on MGM’s property .
Follow the Money
James T. Russell is a judge of the First District Court of Nevada. He joined the ‘captured’ (corrupted) state court system in January 2007. That was the year after the ‘mob’ heavily financed the Democratic Party overthrew of Republican leadership in Nevada’s judiciary.
Quoting the Center for American Progress in a publication titled “Big Business Taking Over State Supreme Courts, “In 2006 donations from casinos accounted for $300,000 of the $2 million raised by candidates for the Nevada Supreme Court. MGM casinos gave the candidates $120,000 that year.”
Almost all of the veteran judges, “many of whom had served for decades, were replaced by 2006. The new court favored tax increases for the working class, “interfered with the constitutional duty to adequately fund schools,” and granted James Murren, the CEO of MGM Resorts International and his casino mob cohorts whatever victories were needed to subvert justice and profitably damage We The People.
Thereafter, Judge James T. Russell ran unopposed for re-election in 2014, winning a new term that expires on January 3, 2021, shortly before “President Elect” Joe Biden is planned to take over the Executive Branch of Government.
Election Corruption Tied to Murren
Back in 2012, Judge James T. Russell favored the Nevada Resort Association by tossing a voter petition that would have allowed the State to collect a “Fair 9 Percent Gambling Tax.” The Nevada Resort Association is subordinate of the American Resort Association over which MGM Grand Resorts International CEO Murren rules.
As detailed by the Center for American Progress in a publication titled “Big Business Taking Over State Supreme Courts” Russel is among the suspects of campaign graft election fraud corrupting his superior court and judicial bosses.
Of the current members of the Nevada Supreme Court, only Justice Nancy Saitta did not received campaign contributions from casinos.
Pursuant to President Trump’s opposition to the “stolen election,” in Nevada, according to The Washington Post, Judge James T. Russell allegedly “vetted each claim of fraud and wrongdoing made by the Trump campaign . . . and found that none was supported by convincing proof. The judge dismissed the challenge with prejudice, ruling that the campaign failed to offer any basis for annulling more than 1.3 million votes cast in the state’s presidential race.”
[Editor’s Note: This level of Democratic Party linked judicial corruption is consistent with what has been ongoing in Hawaii as reported previously on JudicialCorruptionNews.com.]
MGM, Murren, and ‘Deep State’ Democratic Party Controllers
The Trump campaign foresaw the mass election deception and voting fraud by early August 2020, and filed a lawsuit to stop it, the media reported.
On August 25, 2020, Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak acted to subvert the fair election by rejecting a request from its Republican secretary of state to require so-called “ballot harvesters” to register with her office.
In early August, “Nevada’s Democratic-controlled Legislature voted to mail ballots to all active voters ahead of the November election to provide additional opportunities to voters concerned about coronavirus exposure at the polls.
The Democrats also approved emergency regulations to lift limits on a practice known as “ballot harvesting,” which permits third-parties to collect and return ballots on voters’ behalf,” NBC News reported. That network, partnered with MSNBC and Bill Gates’s Microsoft, maintains heavy financial ties to MGM’s grand’s leading stockholders, including former CEO James Murren.
[Editor’s 2nd Note: The money from the “9/11 Reconstruction Fund” was ‘veered’ through Apollo Management from the Partnership for New York City to MGM Grand Resorts International under Murren’s oversight for construction of the Las Vegas City Center. This colossal development features two “Veer Towers” that serve as a monument to the twin towers falling into profitable rubble.]Trump’s campaign, and the national Republican Party, sued to no avail to block Nevada from sending mail-in ballots to every registered voter in the state. The federal lawsuit claimed the Nevada voting plan would result in “inevitable” fraud in the Nov. 3 national presidential election.
In defense of the election fraud scheme Gov. Sisolak said the law would protect Nevadans and “safeguard their right to make their voices heard.”
Just the opposite happened for Republican voters according to mounting evidence of Sisolak’s criminal complicity in election thievery.
A Bit More History
When Gov. Steve Sisolak became the first Democrat to take the governor’s mansion in Nevada after two decades of Republican leadership, he did it with big-money donors “led in large part by some of the state’s gaming giants: companies or individuals linked to MGM Resorts International” directed by James Murren, The Nevada Independent reported. MGM Resorts International gave more than $352,000 to Sisolak’s campaign.
‘Godfather’ Murren, overseeing the national gaming industry racket, was authorized by Gov. Sisolak to head Nevada’s “COVID-19 Response, Relief & Recovery Task Force,” an “idea” that Murren sourced according to media reports. Murren reportedly then left his position as the chief executive officer of MGM Resorts International to serve as the chair of his task disease force.
“It’s going to take all of us working together to battle COVID-19 in our state and around the country, and I’m thankful we have an ally in Jim Murren who will help enhance and expand our response, relief and recovery efforts,” Sisolak said.
What Sisolak neglected to say is that Murren is also a chief suspect in The Las Vegas Deep State Massacre according to clear-and-convincing evidence compiled in a book by that name researched and published by these authors and our colleague, JT Kong.
Quoting directly from The Las Vegas Deep State Massacre:
“Moving on from politics to stocks, it is also public knowledge that Trump’s nemesis, Murren, unloaded 80 percent of his personal stock in MGM Resorts in the 3 months preceding the Las Vegas Deep State Massacre. Murren dumped $13.7 million worth of MGM stock. Then, after the stock stopped dropping, he repurchased most of it.
These facts give worse than an impression of advanced knowledge and insider trading activity.
These facts provide probable cause for officials to appoint a Special Independent Prosecutor to investigate MGM, the CIA and FBI officials, each having aided-and-abetted by willful blindness or direct complicity mass media deceptions, and mass murder.
By clicking THIS LINK to the Department of Homeland Security, you will see what clearly requires investigation, transparency, and disclosure. You will learn that MGM’s CEO was not only well-connected in the entertainment and gaming world, but was a member of America’s top federal security and terrorist attack recovery National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC).
Quoting their meeting minutes, “[t]his group was formed in response to “Presidential Policy Directive 21, Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience. This Council provides the President, the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, and other relevant agency leaders, advice on the security of critical infrastructure supporting the public and private sectors.” (Quote from p. 3) That means government and corporations.
Quoting, the November 14, 2014 Quarterly Business Meeting Minutes (p. 11) in the year Mr. Murren appears to have infiltrated that council, the NSC-directed group was responsible for advising the President on: “1) Overcoming Obstacles to Action: Policy, Regulatory and Structural Barriers;” especially public opposition to regulations, including threats of terrorism, immigration, and gun control. These are the objectives of special interests influencing the government; 2) “Dependency on and Interconnectedness through Cyber Systems;” 3) “Aging Infrastructure and the Effects of Catastrophic Natural Disasters;” 4) “Evolving Terrorist and other Man-made Physical Threats;” including that year, the Ebola crisis; 5) “Growing complexity and consequences of cross-sector dependencies, subject to a growing range of threats;” including the cross-sector dependencies on government and industries wherein cyber-security is at risk; and finally, “6) Workforce Changes, Evolution and Requirements.”
Obviously, the globalization partners and pattern of “workforce changes” in America opposed Trumps immigration policy intertwined with Homeland Security.
In other words, by 2014, Murren had infiltrated one of the most powerful branches of government for the “shadow government.” He was assigned to advance crucial National Security information systems, cyber-warfare technologies, the energy industry, water resources, banking, and public persuasion programs largely administered by the “non-governmental” media, Hollywood, and the CIA’s yellow presses, all controlled by Murren’s private sector cohorts in crimes—the multi-national corporations.
In discussing the terrorist threat for the Office of Infrastructure Protection (IP), Assistant Secretary Caitlin Durkovich, for Infrastructure Protection in the Department of Homeland Security, stated, the priorities “focused on the risks of attacks, especially with the rise of The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).” She noted that IP was working “to integrate cyber and physical critical infrastructure risk management,” and improve the connections between government and corporate security crucial for public safety and the economy.
Murren’s expertise, and function within this group, was considered critical not only for U.S. National Security, but also commerce (especially in the energy and banking sectors).
Given the aforementioned facts, and those to come, Murren, by his key position having infiltrated this governmental group on behalf of private global industrialists, was responsible for knowing how and when National Security might be breached damaging American corporations, and how to mobilize public opinion through the media for preparedness to secure commerce.
This cryptocracy planned National Security “exercises” in large cities, purportedly to oppose terrorist attacks, including one administered in Las Vegas at the time of the massacre. . . . And if anyone would have had foreknowledge of the Vegas attack, it would have been Murren.

Click to learn more about “The Las Vegas Deep State Massacre”
Resolution Demanding President Trump’s ‘Executive Action’
(1) The rigging of the 2020 Presidential election is evidenced beyond a reasonable doubt indicting (among others) Gov. Steve Sisolak and other Democratic Party leaders in Nevada;
(2) Democratic Party leaders in Nevada , and Judge James T. Russell, have aided-and-abetted by willful blindness or direct complicity the recorded election rigging and election fraud to subvert and control the Executive Branch of Government; and
(3) Whereas these officials committed these criminal acts in violation of 18 U.S. Code § 2385 that prohibits anyone from advocating for the overthrow of any branch of government, including the Executive Branch; and
(4) Whereas these state officials have violated the clear prohibitions established by 18 U.S. Code § 2384 satisfying all the elements of a “seditious conspiracy;” and
(5) Whereas it is the President’s sworn duty to defend the nation against sedition to protect the Constitution and citizens’ rights secured therein; and
(6) Whereas it is proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the actors in said seditious conspiracy included Judge James T. Russell, James Murren, fellow campaign donors, and complicit officials, including Gov. Steve Sisolak; and
(7) Whereas public records of stock transactions prove James Murren and his enterprise associates profited from the mass shooting of more than 500 concert-goers attending the 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas, Nevada on October 1, 2017; and
(8) Whereas among James Murren’s associates, likewise officiating commercial security businesses, is Michael Chertoff–a lawyer who was Secretary of Homeland Security under President George W. Bush, and who co-authored of the USA PATRIOT Act, according to public records; and
(9) Whereas Mr. Murren’s leadership extended to the Department of Homeland Security beyond being MGM Resorts International CEO, and as a member of America’s top federal security and terrorist attack recovery group–the National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC)–Murren advised U.S. presidents on national infrastructure security; and
(10) Whereas, when Michael Chertoff left his Homeland Security position, he formed The Chertoff Group and took with him eleven members of the DHS, CIA, and Reginald Hyde—a key agent who helped establish the CIA’s In-Q-Tel investment group heavily engaged in cyberwarfare, defense, and security products and services; and
(11) Whereas under Chertoff’s direction and Murren’s influence, The Chertoff Group quickly became a major provider of security systems, technologies, and investment banking, enriching partners including The Carlyle Group and Coalfire cybersecurity company; and
(12) Whereas this enterprise not only profited from foreknowledge of the Las Vegas massacre by shorting stocks in advance, with Mr. Murren dumping $13.7 million worth of his MGM stock, Steve Wynn doing likewise, as did George Soros, a heavy-investor in The Chertoff Group who shorted $42M worth of MGM stock and made as much as $73M from this alleged inside trading scheme; but also
(13) These Chertoff Group/CIA/In-Q-Tel investors profited from the explosion of demand for security technologies and services, such as costly X-ray backscatter radiation equipment, exploiting the massacre; and
(14) Whereas James Murren acts as director of Nevada’s COVID-19 response within the aforementioned political and business enterprise involving the CIA and In-Q-Tel investors; and
(15) Whereas the CIA, that is widely known to oversee Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases (“NIAID”) due to National Security concerns arising from outbreaks and pandemics; and
(16) Whereas Dr. Fauci lectured at Georgetown University on January 12, 2017, professing that the Trump Administration would undoubtedly suffer an unprecedented infectious disease disaster; and
(17) Whereas, CIA Director John Brennan “retired” on January 20, 2017, one week after Dr. Anthony Fauci relayed “insider” intelligence at Georgetown University at the precise time Mr. Brennan and complicit FBI officials were targeting President Trump’s transition team with the “Russian Dossier” hoax; and
(18) Whereas President Trump demanded, but did not receive from the CIA unredacted records evidencing a CIA coup that extends into the aforementioned seditious conspiracy to destroy his presidency; and
(19) Whereas the Trump Administration directed federal health officials, including Dr. Fauci’s cohort at the NIH, Francis Collins, to determine the origin of the COVID-19 virus to no avail, despite scientific facts evidencing the “novel” virus sourced from a lab; and
(20) Whereas the CIA has a long and dark history of using biological weapons, drugs, and vaccines to secretly accomplish dangerous and deadly ‘black-ops’ for commercial gains and political influence, including covert vaccination campaigns.
BE IT RESOLVED, THEREFORE, that there is substantial probable cause for President Trump to exercise his “Emergency Powers” to direct Attorney General William Barr, or his replacement, to dispatch federal marshals to arrest and prosecute the aforementioned suspects on three counts of seditious conspiracy and subversive actions including:
(1) election rigging and voter fraud to overthrow, put down, or to destroy America’s valid election system;
(2) election rigging and voter fraud to overthrow, put down, or destroy the freely elected Executive Office of the President of the United States under President Trump; and
(3) originating and orchestrating the COVID-19 global emergency for political and commercial gain at the expense of U.S. National Security and We The People.
ACCORDINGLY, IF WITHIN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS leading up to January 20, 2021, and the swearing-into-office of the successive Executive Administration, should President Trump fail to exercise his sworn oath and duty to protect the Republic against a seditious conspiracy and the agents committing the crime(s); to protect citizens too in accordance with the laws mandated by the United States Constitution, by using the President’s Executive Power to arrest and prosecute the named suspects; then, in the absence of remedial prosecution, President Trump should himself be criminally indicted, prosecuted, and made to suffer the consequences of his neglect of duty to secure forthcoming elections, generations of Americans, and our collective freedoms.
About the Authors:
Dr. Leonard Horowitz
Leonard Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H., D.N.M. (hon.), D.M.M. (hon.), is the author of twenty two books, including the prophetically titled Death In The Air: Globalism,Terrorism and Toxic Warfare that came out three months before 9-11-01. That book deals with biological and energy weapons being used for population control. His three American best-sellers include: Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional? that was largely responsible for prompting explosive interest in vaccination risks and biological warfare; Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, that revealed the original Solfeggio musical scale secreted for millennia; and Healing Celebrations: Miraculous Recoveries Through Ancient Scripture, Natural Medicine and Modern Science in which Dr. Horowitz presents his protocol for administering prevention and speedier recoveries. His text, The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE, has prompted a revolution in the music industry improving recording artistry and music therapy with the use of C=528Hz(A=444Hz) tuning that produces “medicinal music.” Dr. Horowitz’s documentary, UN-VAXXED: A Docu-commentary for Robert De Niro won five international awards, including “Best Film – 2016” in London and Geneva competitions.
Sherri Kane
If you do a Google search on Sherri Kane, a strange reality comes into view. You may notice from what’s left after years of hacking and censoring her articles and websites, there remains a seemingly large group of racist, anti-Semitic, and sexist men who obviously feel their lives spent on the Internet libeling her is a profitable pastime. Sherri has been widely defamed by the ‘Troll Triad’ and their “socks”–the latest cyber-invasion by CIA/FBI-linked media controllers who succeeded the original COINTELPRO to ‘neutralize’ voices of freedom.
Here’ why Sherri Kane has been targeted:
“Kane” is America’s gutsiest investigative journalist, news commentator, psycho-social analyst, and political activist, specializing in uncovering what predators do to women, children, and even animals. She exposes human and animal rights violators, child sex traffickers, and human slavery networks, several involving high ranking government officials.
Sherri does not hesitate to investigate, analyze, and vet the dark world of government and intelligence agencies’ corruption, and agents’ complicity in organized crimes. She refutes the propaganda published to manipulate and damage people, and exposes what is being concealed by the FBI/CIA’s COINTELPRO (that was supposed to have stopped abusing people and depriving human rights in 1976 by Acts of Congress). Sherri delves into conspiracy realities so dark that very few people dare to study them.
For instance, you may have heard of the political fracas involving certain members of Congress, a high ranking official in the Republican Party, and the mysterious disappearances and abuses of children at “Boys Town” in Nebraska, called “The Franklin Cover-up.” Thanks to Ms. Kane’s heroic investigative reporting, the matter has now been exposed as “The Franklin Double-coverup.”
You may recall the Gulf Oil Crisis, maybe even the extensive coverage Jesse Ventura and TruTV gave to the “Conspiracy Theory” implicating Halliburton, BP, and TransOcean in the intentional explosion and environmental devastation in the Gulf of Mexico. Ms Kane sourced the story and appears on the segment.
Sherri wrote the foreword to Dr. Horowitz’s music-industry-transforming book, The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of Love, and co-produced and is co-starring in Dr. Horowitz’s controversial docu-comedy PHARMAWHORES: The SHOWTIME Sting of Penn & Teller, winner of the 2010 Accolade Award for “Uniqueness in Documentary Film-making.” That film heavily influenced online video production for thousands of subsequent Internet producer. Sherri also stars in Dr. Horowitz’s latest documentary, UN-VAXXED: A Docu-commentary for Robert De Niro that won five international awards, including “Best Film – 2016” in London and Geneva competitions. Ms. Kane also co-wrote Space Pearl Harbor, reviewed in the 39-minute news program seen HERE.
Ms. Kane is the Vice President of Medical Veritas online journal, has published works in newspapers, magazines and many websites, and has been interviewed worldwide including on Al Jazeera’s A9 Turkey, The Veritas Show, the BBC’s Talk Radio Europe, Late Night In The Midlands, WAC Connecticut, LA Talk Radio, and many others. She co-hosts the Hollywood Spin series of film reviews with Dr. Horowitz viewed on RevolutionTelevision.net and Vimeo’s Revolution Television Channel.
Sherri is currently collaborating with Dr. Horowitz on various projects including Healthy World Organization (HWO), the alternative to the corrupt World Health Organization (WHO), HealthyWorldAffiliates.com, and advancing the power of “528 Hz” frequency for global healing, as experienced at 528Records.com, 528Radio.com, and 528Revolution.com.
For their work together exposing devil-doing operatives in the media, Dr. Horowitz and Ms. Kane were christened “The HOROKANE” by Alma C. Ott, exposed in this article.
E-mail inquiries to SherriKane@gmail.com.