Do you have story about ‘Judicial Corruption?’ Do you want to expose corrupt judges, rogue lawyers, or demonic government agents breaking laws and damaging people?
Write up your story and submit it to us in a Word document.
It must be written well, edited as best you can to avoid editing charges. (Our legal writers and editors charge us $150/hour and up.)
You should include pdf files containing all the compelling documented evidence you allege exists. These will need to be linked to the references in your article. (Our editors do up to 10 free of charge.) The pdf files should be labeled clearly, succinctly and include the date it was filed or created. For example: “Lawyer X’s e-mail to Y / 7-21-18”.
Also include photographs to make your article more interesting for readers. . . . “A picture tells a thousand words.”
Please submit all news stories to
If you need help writing or finalizing your newsworthy story, we can refer you to legally-competent writers that charge the aforementioned fees.