Release: No. 1 DOJ Complaint
Date Mailed: March 15, 2020
For Immediate Release
Contact: Editor—310-877-3002;
DOJ Inspector General Gets Manslaughter Complaint From Famous Doctor, Indicting the FBI, Former Prosecutor and Current Mayor, Mitch Roth, and Multiple Judges and Lawyers Complicit in Rampant Public Corruption Destroying Hawaii
Las Vegas, NV (3-15-20;—The Inspector General in the Department of Justice (“DOJ”) has received a complaint of manslaughter alleged against state and federal officials complicit in public corruption exposing former Big Island prosecutor and current Mayor, Mitch Roth, several Third Circuit Court judges and lawyers, and the FBI.
The complaint, filed by the editor of Medical Veritas International, Inc., Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, follows the alleged manslaughter of his associate editor and injustice avenger, legendary journalist Sherri Kane.
Ms. Kane died from a brain hemorrhage proximal to the severe distress officials’ caused her by the theft of her house, killing of her cat, and cover-up of the drug-trafficking, money laundering, and racketeering enterprise entrenched in Hawaii corrupting the legislative and judicial divisions of government.
“This is especially well-evidenced in the Third Circuit ‘Drug Court’ of Hawaii,” Dr. Horowitz’s indictment reads. “Officials here, on the Big Island, have been repeatedly evidenced committing crimes. These include obstructing justice, depriving citizens’ due process rights and properties, and protecting criminals in alliance with their superiors in Honolulu.
Few of the guilty have come under investigation or indictment by Kenji Price [who resigned last month] after being repeatedly informed about this criminal enterprise and the damage it is causing citizens across America [from the drug-trafficking the syndicate commands].”
On February 10, 2021, Horowitz filed a police complaint in Fort Myers, Florida where Ms. Kane died, charging Mitch Roth, Third Circuit Court judges, and the FBI with “complicity by willful-blindness and neglect of duty to prevent the manslaughter.”
Four different FBI investigators had been assigned to Kane’s case authorized by police investigators for grand jury indictments by Mitch Roth. The former prosecutor and newly elected mayor, Mitch Roth, repeatedly stonewalled Kane, and Hilo police investigators’ cases, as did the FBI’s leadership.
“This is the judges doing this,” concluded senior FBI investigator Cecelia “Hina” Kong, who finalized an earlier investigation by field agent Michael Carbone on the Big Island. But the public corruption indictments sought by Kong were stonewalled, ‘harboring’ Judges Ronald Ibarra, Glenn S. Hara, Elizabeth Strance, Michael Fujino, Henry Nakamoto, Peter Kubota, chief lawyer disciplinarian, Bradley Tamm, and Chief Justice of the Hawaii Supreme Court, Mark Recktenwald. Each are evidenced by court records safe-harboring their ‘immunized’ enterprise drug trafficker, predicate forger, land thief, and rogue “informant,” Paul J. Sulla, Jr.

Hawaii AG Douglas Chin and Hilo Prosecutor, Mitch Roth, both aided-and-abetted Sulla’s drug enterprise and property conversion schemes by willful blindness. They permitted a massive amount of drugs to be shipped to the mainland U.S. through Honolulu and Hilo harbors.
During the month of November, 2020, four crimes were committed by this corrupt political/judicial racket that resulted in Ms. Kane’s death. (These facts are summarized in an article titled “Hawaii Mob Murder of Legendary Activist Sherri Kane” published on
Proximal to the 51-year-old activist’s manslaughter, on November 3, 2020, Hilo prosecutor, now Hawaii Island Mayor, Mitch Roth, dismissed a criminal case against hallucinogenic drug-trafficker and land thief, Sulla (3CPC-19-0000968) who had been caught forging deeds and fake documents to steal properties and launder the money through sham companies and scam “religious” fronts.
With assistance from the aforementioned willfully-blind judges, prosecutor Roth, and the FBI, Sulla stole Kane’s property, killed her beloved cat, and bribed an armed sheriff, Patrick Sniffen, to dispossess her at gunpoint.
A copy of Dr. Horowitz’s complaint to the DOJ’s Inspector General is available HERE.