Sulla Sex Case Censorship Evidences America’s Leading ‘Deep State’ Crime Syndicate
Review, Analysis and Opinion/Editorial
Sherri Kane and Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz
Why the miscarriage of justice and specious reporting?
Background on Deep State Administration of Public Corruption
How do we know this for sure?
We’ve interviewed many of them during the past decade. We’ve recorded in court records, numerous official complaints, telephonic recordings administered for justice, and we’ve avidly published articles exposing compounding crimes and their details since 2011.
Early Bronfman History of Racketeering in America

Click to review the true history of ‘ayahuasca’.
[Editor’s Note: A copy of the authors’ most recent Third Circuit Court defense against Sulla’s sham foreclosure proceedings based on Sulla’s multiple forgeries neglected by the courts and law enforcers is downloadable in a pdf file by clicking HERE. Supporting exhibits are downloaded HERE. Proposed orders are noticed HERE.)
Now we see from , pedophilia and child porn intertwines with their drug crimes. ‘s article
We found this practice of protecting the Sullas’ and Bronfmans’ criminal activity, including the media’s and the courts’ complicit roles, so appalling, our public duty demanded we write a book about it. We titled our expose’, The Ayahuasca Death Cult: The Psycho-Spiritual Delusion.
Tracking the Sulla Sex and Drug ‘Protection Racket’ from Top to Bottom

Drug kingpin and protected presumed immune federal agent, Paul J. Sulla, Jr., stands behind his “brother” lawyer and defense counsel, Brian DePalma, at Sulla’s indictment hearing.
Given this brief introduction, we move on with our opinion/editorial critically analyzing Mr. Burnett’s superficial and diversionary coverage of the ‘superseding indictment’ of Paul Sulla’s son, Jasun Sulla-Menashe (“JSM Enterprises”), by Hawaii County Prosecutor, Mitch Roth.
The purpose of this literary exercise is to document for the ‘court of public opinion’ the manner in which ‘public corruption’ is administered and aided-and-abetted by the negligent or complicit news media, local, state and federal ‘law-enforcers’ and seemingly bribed judges. Each are complicit in enabling the malfeasance tainting the corrupted courts and degenerating society.
John Burnett’s Superficial Coverage
Mr. Burnett opened writing, “A 33-year-old Hilo man already under indictment for allegedly possessing child pornography now faces more severe charges in connection with the same incident.
“A Hilo grand jury on Aug. 5 returned a two-count indictment against Jasun Sulla, also known as Jasun Sulla-Menashe [“JSM”; a.k.a., JSM Enterprises], charging him with two counts of second-degree promotion of child abuse. Both counts are Class B felonies carrying a possible prison term of 10 years upon conviction.
“According to the indictment, on Feb. 27, 2018, Sulla had 31 video files containing images of minors engaging in sexual conduct, with six of those files containing images of a minor younger than 12. He also allegedly was in possession of 53 still images containing minors engaged in sexual conduct, with five files containing images of a minor younger than 12.”
Notice how Burnett’s shoddy subservient journalism omits and neglects:
(1) how these videos and photos were obtained; and
(2) the Sullas’ “ayahuasca church” wherein rumors of sexually-deviant activities have circulated for years with missing person reports and DMT trafficking evidence. It is public knowledge that JSM operates with kingpin Sulla in deed forgery enabled by a few County of Hawaii officials. It is also known that JSM recruited alleged victims to engage in ‘ayahuasca rituals’ at the church when he was a licensed ‘family therapist.’
“For all we know,” objected Sherri Kane, previously with FOX News, having started a leading Facebook child-sex trafficking reporting group (as well as the “Report Corruption in Hawaii” ), “the videos and photos may have been taken at the Sulla’s sham church.”
How the Corrupt Judicial Enterprise Became Implicated in Sex Crimes
One obvious and important question not mentioned by Burnett (nor the rest of the complicit media) is, “How did law-enforcers come to access JSM’s computer, and thereby discover the evidence of child pornography?”
“Silence is evidence most persuasive,” wrote U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis. Censoring and secreting how investigators came to discover JSM’s pornographic videos and photo files on his computer is such “silence.” This clear censorship of this most ‘material fact’, the concealment of which implicates officials, bodes especially bad for Hilo Prosecutor Mitch Roth.
Millions of child sex traffickers and pedophile predators populate the Internet. But they are never discovered. Who or what prompted Hilo police investigators to suddenly find and indict JSM’s enterprise in ‘kiddy porn’? That secret remains hidden.
Yet, its secreting is highly incriminating.
Burnett’s censorship also conceals the likelihood that since Sulla’s protection racket operates by bribery and extortion, much like Jeffrey Epstein’s enterprise in child pornography and videos used to bribe officials, local lawyers and officials who were Sullas’ ‘church goers’ fall under this shadow of criminal suspicion.
This ‘impression of impropriety’ would best explain how and why Hawaii judges, including the following judges, each recklessly neglected solid evidence of the Sullas’ crimes and officials’ complicity therein:
- Third Circuit Judges who granted Sulla his theft of our properties, turning blind eyes to multiple forgeries. These agents included Ret. Chief Justice Ronald Ibarra and his subordinates, Glenn Hara, Elizabeth Strance, Michael Fujino, and Henry Nakamoto;
- Hawaii Supreme Court Chief Justice Mark Recktenwald and his subordinates in the appellate court, Judges Lisa M. Ginoza, Katherine G. Leonard and Alexa D.M. Fujise;
- Office of Disciplinary Counsel Director, Bradley Tamm (who subverted his subordinates investigation of Sulla and Sulla’s complicit and bribed co-counsel, Stephen D.Whittaker);
- U.S. District Court Chief Justice J. Michael Seabright, and his subordinate in the bankruptcy court, Robert Faris who worked with Tamm to deprive us in favor of Paul Sulla and his drug enterprise;
- U.S. District Court judges Kenneth Mansfield and Leslie Kobayashi, who ruled to deny our title insurance coverage by Stewart Title Company because, Judge Kobayashi wrote, we failed to explain “how Defendants [Stewart and First American Title] owe a duty to Plaintiffs”–an absolutely absurd judgment given the fact that the Policy insured the Title that the grand jury indicted Sulla for converting by forgery, expressly involving the “small access road” that Stewart neglected to identify as an ‘encumbrance’ on title and exclude from coverage;
- Multiple state and federal law enforcers including several attorneys general in Honolulu, four FBI agents whose names are known, two DEA agents likewise, and especially Hawaii County Prosecutor, Mitch Roth (who somehow missed JSM’s most damning child porn photos and videos);
- Multiple Shell entities created by Paul J. Sulla, Jr, allegedly created for laundering drug money etc, through stolen real estate. Some of the entities are even named after the drugs.
and this list is growing.
Compounding Evidence of Sex Crimes Committed by the Sullas Protection Racketeers

Click to read more about Dubin.
Further compounding the appearance of impropriety, Sulla worked with our undermining lawyer, Sulla’s fellow compulsive liar, Gary Victor Dubin.
Dubin was previously imprisoned for tax evasion without our knowledge. Nor did we know that Hilo attorney Gary Zamber, who referred us to Dubin, was Sulla’s business partner. The perfectly concealed ‘good ole boy’ judicial crime syndicate is apparent.
Dubin had unsuccessfully represented the “Portlock Madam,” Malia Arciero. Dubin did such a terrible job that Arciero is now serving a lengthy jail term for drug trafficking through her escort service.
As reported by Malia Zimmerman for the Hawaii Reporter, Arciero’s list of kinky sex clients included “some of Hawaii’s most prominent judges, politicians and entertainers.”
That fact, that “some of Hawaii’s most prominent judges” were recorded in Arciero’s “black book” simulates Jeffrey Epstein’s organized sex syndicate and client list including the highest-level officials in politics and justice.
This “impression of impropriety” best explains the injustice we witnessed in Hawaii courts concealing and protecting the Sullas’ known enterprise.
One decision by federal Judge Susan Oki Mollway slammed Dubin who indisputably took Arciero for a lot of money. He did that to us as well granting Sulla cover and ultimately our property.
Arciero’s appeal was based on Dubin’s “ineffective assistance of counsel.” We share that charge.
Arciero was DENIED not because Dubin provided effective assistance. To the contrary, Dubin’s e-mails appear to have provoked a willing Arciero to reject a plea bargain and move to trail in a case heavily disfavoring victory.
In our case, Dubin’s e-mails to us provoked our damaging reliance on his pledge to stop Sulla from foreclosing on our property. Dubin, in fact, breached his promise, broke our contract, and aided-and-abetted Sulla’s foreclosure. Dubin, thereby, contributed greatly to our years of compounding damage.
Under the severe financial and emotional distress imposed by Sulla’s duress, Dubin’s negligence, and crime syndicate’s ‘lawfare,’ they effectively exhausted our resources and patience.
This entire judicial racket operates to cause victims’ ‘attrition’ and eventual submission. Justice is stonewalled and victims all lose because all the ‘Bar brothers’ and ‘Bar sisters’ keep their mouths shut and ‘play ball’ with the racket’s perverts.
These facts appear to especially indict Dubin’s and Sulla’s protectors, Hawaii Supreme Court Chief Justice, Mark Recktenwald, and his Office of Disciplinary Counsel appointed Director, Bradley Tamm. Tamm, shown in this video, operates as the ‘gate keeper’ denying victims justice by stonewalling and dismissing complaints against corrupt lawyers.
These facts also raise an ‘appearance of impropriety’ against Judge Recktenwald who has recused himself in our mandamus appeals to the Hawaii Supreme Court. Recktenwald may have been one of Arciero’s ‘judicial clients.’ There is probable cause to consider this, especially since Recketenwald appears to have protected Dubin in complaints brought against him. And as reported by Zimmerman, Dubin’s ineffective assistance was intended to put Arciero away for the long term to protect “some of Hawaii’s most prominent judges.”
Said appearance of impropriety is compounded by two counts of evidence tampering under Hawaii law HRS §710-1076 (sections a and b). These crimes were intertwined with our cases. Chief Justice Recktenwald had denied without prejudice the ODC’s disbarment action against Dubin, and totally neglected the appearance of impropriety in protecting Sulla.
In this action, ODC investigators opposed by Recktenwald and Tamm solicited Sherri Kane’s supplemental evidence against Dubin. This followed Kane’s supplemental complaint against Sulla. Kane’s supplemental evidence was then DISMISSED without reasonable inquiry by Recktenwald’s underling, Bradley Tamm, satisfying the elements of evidence tampering under Hawaii law HRS §710-1076 sections a and b.
How and Why Did Prosecutor Mitch Roth ‘Miss’ the Sullas’ Crimes?

Prosecutor Roth announced his bid for mayor, on a ‘tough on crime’ platform?
Burnett continued, “Sulla was originally indicted May 23, 2019, with a single count of third-degree promotion of child abuse, a Class C felony with a maximum prison term of five years upon conviction.
“Hawaii County Prosecutor Mitch Roth confirmed Monday that the cases were the same as the 2019 indictment. Deputy Prosecutor Sylvia Wan reviewed the evidence and realized we have children under 12 depicted in the allegedly pornographic images Jasun Sulla had 31 video files containing images of minors engaging in sexual conduct, with six of those files containing images of a minor younger than 12.”
Can’t Roth discern “children under 12?”
“’The new charges better work with the evidence that we have,’ Roth said.
How is it that Roth missed what was so obvious to his subordinate? Did Roth simply neglect to take the time to view “53 still images containing minors engaged in sexual conduct, with five files containing images of a minor younger than 12[?]” Or was Roth’s negligence schemed to enable a light ‘plea bargain’ for lesser crimes; thereby protecting the Sullas’ criminal enterprise?
Roth’s neglect compounded Roth’s pattern and practice of overlooking hard evidence of Sulla crimes. In fact, in our cases against Paul Sulla investigated by multiple Hilo Police Dept. investigators beginning in 2013, officials repeatedly sent over to Roth evidence for Paul Sulla’s prosecution involving the theft of our million dollar property. Roth did the same thing again–he overlooked multiple forgeries. This is how Roth criminally neglected–aided-and-abetted by willful blindness–Paul Sulla’s theft of our residence, inn and spa.
In fact, at the time of this writing, Roth, who is running for Mayor, has enabled Sulla to steal much more than our properties. Had Roth put Sulla away when he had the chance, Sulla would not have gone on to victimized many others, such as the 80 Big Island families awaiting affordable housing deprived by Sulla’s and the County’s Waikaloa Highlands Project heist.
By criminally neglecting Sulla’s pattern and practice of forging deeds, mortgages, notes and other legal papers, Roth helped deprive these 80 needy families as detailed in this “Executive Summary”. Alternatively, consider Kirk Giordano and his family’s losses as reported by Quentin T. Wells, previously with the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.
The extended list of the Sullas’ victims is too long to detail here.
In the Waikaloa Highlands Project heist case, you can notice that kingpin Sulla’s son, Jasun Sulla-Menashe (JSM), was used by his father to carry out the theft of 11 acres planned and contracted for the affordable housing project. Sulla used the indicted pedophile’s “JSM Enterprises” to convert the land for another $1 million profit.

Ayahuasca (DMT) Agents Operating in North America. Compiled by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz and Sherri Kane.
In the process, incredibly, Sulla worked with convicted cocaine trafficker Stephan Martirosian, to sabotage a massive investment by the leading competitors of Burisma in the Ukraine–the Biden-linked Burisma Co.’s leading competitor in Ukrainian energy and banking, the Vitoil-Armbusinessbank conglomerate controlled by Valery and Vitale Grigoryants.
This actually ties Sulla and his international crime syndicate beyond the Bronfman Crime Family to the Bidens and Democratic Party controlling ‘Deep State.’
These facts evidence compounding damage done to many many more people beyond these two authors.
When Roth repeatedly chose to neglect his duty to indict Paul Sulla for using forgeries to dispossess us from our house and natural health spa, Roth paved the way for damaging and dispossessing countless others.
Burnett closed by writing about this Sulla sex case, “Sulla was licensed as a marriage and family counselor who practiced in Hilo under the surname Sulla-Menashe.

Indicted Attorney Paul J. Sulla, Jr., defends son Jasun Sulla-Menashe (a.k.a., “JSM Enterprises”) , after his indictment for child porn. Sulla, Jr, the drug kingpin forged deeds to steal properties aided-and-abetted by state and federal judges, prosecutors, and attorneys general.
“According to the state Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs website, Sulla, a 2013 graduate of Argosy University, forfeited the license and is legally unable to practice.”
Burnett could have, and should have, added what has been reported to him. The Sullas have operated for decades in the drug capital of Hawaii. That JSM’s brother (Paul Sulla’s other son), Paul J. Sulla III (a.k.a., Jose Sulla), was mentored by (and co-published with) the CIA’s leading hallucinogenic drug researcher, the infamous Dr. Stanley Krippner. This ‘religious drug use’ propagandist, and ‘dream telepathy’ pioneer, visited the Sullas’ “church” to support the syndicate’s growth and development.
The important question remaining unanswered is did Roth, or Sulla’s advocates in the Hawaii judiciary, attend the Sullas’ illegal unlicensed drug “church”? Were some or all of the child porn videos and images taken in the Sullas’ drug church? Did the videos and porn photos include images of local lawyers, judges and law enforcers who have aided-and-abetted the Sullas’ crimes?
This would best explain Paul Sulla’s uncanny immunity from prosecution in the past. It would explain all the incredible favor he has been granted by Mitch Roth and the Hawaii courts. It might even explain Mark Recktenwald and Bradley Tamm‘s safe-harboring of Sulla (as well as Sulla’s accomplice Gary Victor Dubin). It might explain how Sulla bribed Big Island Attorney Stephen Whittaker to conceal Sulla as the real party of interest in the land heist of our property. It might also explain the federal court judges aforementioned who favored Sulla’s crimes.
An equally important neglected question is, “How did local (State or Hilo) investigators hack into JSM’s computer to discover the child porn videos and photos?” That discovery is usually federally-administered by the FBI, NSA, and/or CIA, not state or local police investigators.
Add to this Roth’s, Recktenwald’s, Tamm’s and the federal court judges‘ apparent negligence protecting the Sullas, and you discern Deep State turmoil.
Burnett closed, “Sulla is the son of Hilo attorney Paul Sulla, who pleaded not guilty to first-degree theft and second-degree forgery charges for allegedly stealing a narrow piece of land containing an easement in lower Puna,”
Burnett misrepresented the “narrow piece of land.” Not only does it exist at the heart of Hawaii’s drug capital, Pahoa, but it is the main access road to the heart of our four neighboring properties, including all the natural wonders, lava heated steam vents, bath house, steam saunas, and bathing pools.
So much for ‘accuracy’ in the complicit media mirroring the complicit and reckless courts.
“The younger Sulla has a scheduled Sept. 22 court date for the original child pornography charge, to which he pleaded not guilty.
“’Once he shows up for arraignment and plea on the $20,000 (bail) indictment, then we’ll dismiss the previous case,” Wan said.