Open Letter by Investigative Journalist Sherri Kane, as a Victim of Attorney Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s Property Theft Scheme
My domestic partner, Dr. Horowitz G. Horowitz, and I are victims of non-judicial foreclosure fraud, mortgage fraud, illegal transfers of our mortgages and notes, theft of our real property and title by organized crime, and “public corruption” in the state and federal courts of Hawaii.
Our cases involve Attorney Paul J. Sulla, Jr. and his shill, Jason Hester, with the complicity of Attorney Stephen D. Whittaker of Kona, HI, and several judges (not all of them corrupt as you can read here).
Attorney Stephen Whittaker lied, perjured himself and supposedly “hoodwinked” Judge Ronald Judge Ronald Ibarra and his subordinate Judge Melvin Fujino to grant our 17 acre property to the homeless drifter–Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s “strawman” and “sham plaintiff,” Jason Hester.
Whittaker claims to be representing Jason Hester after Paul J. Sulla, Jr. was honorably disqualified by federal Magistrate Judge Richard Puglisi.
Whittaker came in promptly, even though Jason Hester has no money to pay Whittaker and Paul J. Sulla, Jr. is obviously footing the bill (as the “real party in interest.”
The “king pin” calling the shots and judicial influence is Paul J. Sulla, Jr.
Jason Jason Hester is being used as a shill for Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s drug dealing real-estate money laundering “enterprise.”
Attorney Paul J. Paul J. Sulla, Jr., Jr. illegally manufactures and traffics drugs on the Big Island of Hawaii.
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. runs the illegal ayahuasca (dimethyltryptamice, DMT-Schedule I, narcotic) “church” north of Hilo, on the Hamakua coast.
This is a “religious front” that strong evidence and multiple affidavits from victims and witnesses indicates is a money laundering operation.
In our case, Paul J. Sulla, Jr. made Jason Hester the supposed “Overseer” of another sham “church.” Paul J. Sulla, Jr. used Jason Hester to stay an “arms length” away from being discovered and being liable.
Jason Hester is judgment proof, and has a criminal record.
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. has used Jason Hester to steal our 17 acres plus our large house that we purchased as a “Bed & Breakfast.”
But that “commercial property” could never be used commercially due to the fraud in the sale and continuous lawsuits Paul J. Sulla, Jr. and his so called “clients” have waged against us since 2005.
The fraud in the sale of the property was committed by Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s personal representative–the seller, also a convicted felon, Cecil Loran Lee.
Paul J. Sulla, Jr., jr was disqualified in our case, and in other cases.
He was publicly censured by the Supreme Court of Hawaii for “reckless arguing” in favor of tax evasion.
He is infamous for developing tax evasion schemes.
Paul J. Sulla, Jr., Jr. was disqualified in our U.S District court case, so Paul J. Sulla, Jr. could no longer represent Jason Jason Hester
So Paul J. Sulla, Jr. hired and paid for Attorney Stephen Whittaker to replace Paul J. Sulla, Jr..
You allegedly pay Attorney Stephen Whittaker a bribe, and he gets the job done!
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. has been wearing many hats in our cases against him, including attorney, auctioneer, debt collector, “church” trustee, Jason Hester’s fiduciary, etc.
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. even gave Jason Hester a 50K “loan” on paper to end up with our Property.
(See exhibits below.) Paul J. Sulla, Jr. knew Jason Hester would never pay back this “loan” so Paul J. Sulla, Jr. would be able for foreclose on the property (again, for a third time!)
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. and his “clients” have foreclosed on our property twice already.
While the first foreclosure case was still happening, Paul J Paul J. Sulla, Jr., Jr. foreclosed non-judicially on the same property.
The first judicial foreclosure case is on appeal after a Fifth Amended Final Judgment (i.e., the 6th Final Judgment) was issued by Judge Ronald Judge Ronald Ibarra.
In that case, after the jury awarded us $200K for Cecil Loran Lee’s fraud in the sale, the judge “vacated” our jury award.
In other words, after nearly five years of litigating and losing more than $3M in damages, my partner, Dr. Horowitz Horowitz, beat Cecil Loran Lee’s frivolous judicial foreclosure, only to have Judge Ronald Ibarra give Horowitz nothing but another seven years of heartache.
Horowitz won the jury award for fraud in the sale of the property, as well as a denial of foreclosure since Horowitz had paid all the money when it became due. This is even noted in the Fifth Amended Final Judgment.
But the same Judge Ronald Ibarra, under Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s and Stephen Whittaker’s influence, gave Sulla, Jr. nearly everything Sulla, Jr. asked him for, including substituting Jason Hester as a “sham plaintiff” to take the place of Cecil Loran Lee, after Lee died.
Then Paul J. Sulla, Jr. was able to bring another case against Horowitz and I without even appealing the first case for his falsely alleged “$200,000 deficiency! That first foreclosure case is still open and pending after thirteen years!
This is how the “judicial mob” gains victims’ attrition.
And then, when Horowitz and I went to court to defend our property in the second case, Paul J. Sulla, Jr. schemed to block our “standing” to plead in our defense.
This is a violation of our 14th Amendment rights to due process.
It also violated res judicata, and many laws.
But Judges Judge Ronald Ibarra, Strance, Fujino and Nakamoto ignored tons of “material” facts and evidence, to grant Paul J. Sulla, Jr. a summary judgment, giving away our title to Jason Hester (really Paul J. Sulla, Jr..)
Now a main bias and conflicting interest, as you can read below, is the fact that Judge Ronald Ibarra’s subordinate, Judge Glenn S. Hara, was Horowitz’s first defense lawyer. Glenn Hara clearly malpracticed by getting Horowitz into an illegal “tying agreement” with Cecil Loran Lee, who Glenn Hara knew was “no good” and untrustworthy.
Much of our damage from being tied up in the courts all these years is most reasonably tied to Judges Judge Ronald Ibarra, Strance, Fujino and Nakamoto covering up for their “brother” Bar member, Glenn Hara.
Judge Ronald Ibarra signed the Fifth Amended Final Judgment in Civ. No. 05-1-0196 after Judge Ronald Ibarra signed the conflicting final judgment in case No. 14-1-0304 giving our property away to Paul J. Sulla, Jr..
We believe these conflicting final judgments are simply a ploy to confuse everything, and tie us up in favor of the drug mob. The “court officers” used everything they could, and everyone including an imposter–Jason Hester-look-alike–to give Paul J. Sulla, Jr. our property.
The reason for the 5th amended final judgment is Judge Ronald Ibarra kept violating “Jenkins” in the “first filed” supposedly “controlling” case.
Not having given us an appealable judgment kept the conflict going, so that Paul J. Sulla, Jr. could move through the 2nd case and get a Writ of Ejectment.
Cunning, right?
We have been dealing with these kinds of corrupt tactics and fraud upon the court since 2008.
After Horowitz prevailed in the original case, as mentioned, the nightmare was supposed to have ended.
Instead, Cecil Loran Lee and Paul J. Sulla, Jr. evaded service and broke the law requiring them to release our mortgage.
Judge Ronald Ibarra then allowed Paul J. Sulla, Jr. to overturn our jury award nine months later, after our mortgage was fully paid, void, and the case was supposedly done.
Then Paul J. Sulla, Jr., Judge Ronald Ibarra and Stephen Whittaker violated our rights by not allowing our “standing” to plead in defense of our interests.
Where in history have you heard of a “Fifth Amended Final Judgement?” That is, a 6th “Final” Judgement.
You can’t find one in Google Scholar. It doesn’t exist among more than a million cases listed.
Also we have another parallel corruption before the U.S. District Court in Judge Seabright’s lap involving the same parties and corrupt state judges. (Paul J. Sulla, Jr. and Jason Hester are the defendants in our federal case.)
There too Paul J. Sulla, Jr. and Jason Hester are being accused of violating our civil rights. Judge Seabright put that case on administrative hold pending what happens in state cases 0304 and 0196.
Now he is having to consider opening the case again due to the corruption scandal, and “voiding” in 2018 of Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s “Warranty Deed” to our property that County of Hawaii Tax Department officials discovered was forged by Paul J. Sulla, Jr. in 2016, near the time Stephen Whittaker and Ronald Judge Ronald Ibarra stonewalled us in the 0304 case that ended with our “ejectment” from our house and land.
In the two current competing circuit court cases, our attorney is Big Island County Councilwoman Margaret Wille.
Ms. Wille attempted to diplomatically let the court know that injustice and fraud upon the court was happening in our case. She informed the courts (to no avail) about Mr. Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s proven forgeries, and his false claims that Jason Hester was an heir to the seller, Cecil Loran Lee.
You would think that the judges would have paused after Margaret let them know about Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s fraudulent filings, but the complete opposite happened.
The mob is arrogant in its willful blindness and complicity.
The judges can always be excused claiming they were simply hoodwinked by Paul J. Sulla, Jr..
So with nothing to lose, and lots of money to gain, the Third Circuit “Drug Court” continues allowing Paul J. Sulla, Jr. to maliciously prosecute us, without being added as a real party of interest.
The judges have remained willfully blind to the fact that Paul J. Sulla, Jr. has fraudulently transferred our mortgage, notes, and title to sham entities he made parties. The judges have repeatedly denied us trials on the merits to protect Paul J. Sulla, Jr..
This is in disregard of the original case 0196, where the same Judge Ronald Ibarra ordered Horowitz to pay the final balloon payment, which he did; then allowed the case to continue with several more amended final judgments increasingly favoring Paul J. Sulla, Jr..
With each “final judgment” Judge Ronald Ibarra changed the “findings of facts” and took more and more away from us.
We have been completely railroaded and defrauded by Judge Ronald Ibarra (who, suspiciously retired “early” after we began publishing this story); and Paul J. Sulla, Jr. and his co-conspirators–Jason Hester, Whittaker and Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s son–the head “church” “priest.”
Ms. Wille thankfully stepped in when she did, but really we have no judicial remedy in sight. despite her good filings.
There are many other victims of Paul J. Sulla, Jr. coming forward at this time.
One has even claimed that Paul J. Sulla, Jr. was involved in murdering her elderly father after kidnapping him to Kauai. She alleges that Paul J. Sulla, Jr. stole the man’s nest egg that was to have been given to his children’s after he died.
But Paul J. Sulla, Jr. came in and placed the family’s inheritance into a trust that Paul J. Sulla, Jr. created.
Then Paul J. Sulla, Jr. wanted the body cremated so no autopsy could be done.
The prosecutors on the Big Island and Kauai have remain willfully blind to all the mounting evidence.
Prosecutor Mitch Roth knows all about Paul J. Sulla, Jr. but doesn’t want to rock any boats as though he is either afraid of the drug mob, or being bribed to remain willfully blind to aid and abet the racket.
Currently (Oct, 2018) we have three state cases on appeal including 05-1-0196, 14-1-0304, and 3CC-17-1-407, all in the Third Circuit Court of Hawaii.
We also have a pending grand jury investigation that U.S. District Court Judge J. Michael Seabright stonewalled, and an ongoing case against our title company that Magistrate Mansfield has recommended by dismissed despite our objections and the compelling evidence of public corruption involving Judge Glenn Hara and Island Title Company that referred Len to Glenn Hara.
We have also pleaded many times for an FBI investigation.
You can hear FBI Special Agent Cecelia Kong’s apology to us below on the published recording.
Please see also the filings linked below from our attorney Margaret Wille for the hearing of Feb 26, 2016, opposed by Judge Melvin Fujino who had his decision written up before we arrived in court.
We know this because he read a lengthy statement prepared prior to the hearing.
Len’s most recent filings in the appeals court are also extremely revealing, proving with exhibits how he was railroaded by Judge Nakamoto in 2018.
Also included below are the filings by Ms. Wille in her denied attempt to stay our case.
As of now Paul J. Sulla, Jr. and Whittaker continue railroading us in violation of due process in the hopes they can flip the property before authorities oppose their crimes. Judge Fujino railroaded Wille, as Judge Ronald Ibarra and also Judge Strance had done to us.
Judge Melvin Fujino allowed Attorney Stephen Whittaker to commit perjury and lie to the court, as we evidence by publishing the court transcripts we purchased at great expense.
No doubt Judge Ronald Ibarra and his fellow judges have been stonewalling Horowitz because of his troubles with his first attorney Glenn S. Hara of Stanley Roehrig’s lawfirm, Roehrig, Roehrig, Wilson & Glenn Hara.
Judge Glenn Hara committed a set of malpractices and evidenced illegalities in the 0196 case.
There was evidence tampering, witness tampering and obstruction of justice happening before and during the trial in 0196.
We are holding clear and convincing records of this as well.
Most incredibly, no court has ever questioned sham plaintiff Jason Hester’s standing.
The burden is on the plaintiff to prove his standing and legal interest in title, but not in our case! This is a violation of case law.
Add to this the courts’ resistance to join Paul J. Sulla, Jr. as a party and you don’t need much more evidence to conclude crime.
Linked below is also Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s sham corporation paperwork.
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. created the “Gospel of Believers” “Foreclosing Mortgagee” using forged and altered documents.
He then used the fake “church” to conduct his illegal auction/non-judicial foreclosure of our property. (These actions violated Hawaii Revised Statutes 667-5, 651-c, 480-2; 480D, and 485 laws, among many others.)
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. made many obvious blunders, that the courts ignored.
For example, the fake corporation did not legally exist yet when Paul J. Sulla, Jr. transferred our mortgage and note into it.
Also, Paul J. Sulla, Jr. included forged signatures, copied and pasted signatures of the Seller Cecil Loran Lee, who was on his death bed in Arizona when Paul J. Sulla, Jr. claimed Cecil Loran Lee went before a Hawaii notary.
Dates were obviously altered on these records.
A simple examination of the photocopied pages 6 and 8 of the Articles of Incorporation for the “Gospel of Believers” reveals Paul J. Sulla, Jr. altered the dates by adding a “2” before the number “8” to falsely allege the 28th was when Cecil Loran Lee signed, even though Cecil Loran Lee was thousands of miles away and dying on that date.
The fake Articles of Incorporation for the “foreclosing mortgagee” also names “Gwen Hillman” (who is Cecil Loran Lee’s sister) as a “scribe” for the fake “church.”
But instead of where she is supposed to sign, there is the same forged signature of Cecil Loran Lee, pasted there with the date showing the “8” not “28.”
These “official records” that we obtained from the State’s DCCA are so messed up any fool can see these are “altered” and illegal documents.
Yet, Third Circuit Court Judges Judge Ronald Ibarra, Strance, Fujino, and Nakamoto accepted this fake instrument and then gave away title to our property in service to the criminals.
Also attached is the notarized document by a forensic handwriting expert, Beth Chrisman, verifying what I am saying here–Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s forgeries of that sham incorporation paperwork.
Ms. Chrisman is willing to testify as a witness to the altered signatures.
Two years later, on June 14, 2011, Paul J. Sulla, Jr. transferred our title into Jason Hester’s personal name and gave Jason Hester a 50K mortgage on paper. That contract states (in paragraph 3) that if Jason Hester doesn’t pay property taxes, then Paul J. Sulla, Jr. can foreclose on him.
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. knew full well that a homeless drifter could not afford to pay almost $6-10k a year in property taxes.
So it was a set up for Paul J. Sulla, Jr. to foreclose on Jason Hester and keep the property for himself.
We are currently on a payment plan with the county tax office to pay the taxes since our name was illegally transferred off the tax records, into Jason Hester’s name. We are making payments of $250 per month to avoid having the property go to auction.
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. made one tax payment right before Judge Ronald Ibarra unlawfully granted him summary judgment. Before Paul J. Sulla, Jr. had illegally transferred our Note and Mortgage, we had all of our taxes paid up to date.
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. also falsely claimed that Jason Hester was the seller’s nephew and a rightful heir, but we hired Christopher Baker’s Private Investigation Service to check this out. (See attached.) Baker discovered that Jason Hester had no blood relation to seller Cecil Loran Lee.
So then Paul J. Sulla, Jr. changed his claim and said that Jason Hester was Cecil Loran Lee’s grandnephew, and again this was false.
Attached is a letter placed into the Federal court corroborating the above evidence that Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s church created for supposedly Jason Hester was fraudulent. These two letters were written by seller Cecil Loran Lee’s criminal cohorts–Herbert M. Ritke and his son Ronn Ritke.
These two men were attempting to get out of being sued by us for their complicity in the fraud and theft. Paul J. Sulla, Jr. used the Ritkes’ address to claim that was the address of the fake church that Cecil Loran Lee formed in order to steal our property “at arms length.”
When the heat got turned up, the Ritke’s threw Jason Hester under the bus, especially since Cecil Loran Lee died.
Also Seller Cecil Loran Lee was a known forger and felon, and Paul J. Sulla, Jr. and Prosecutor Roth knew that from court records and Horowitz’s correspondence.
Cecil Loran Lee had a $85K federal lien on the property for growing marijuana, and he even had a landing strip next to the property to get the pot off island.
Before Horowitz came along Cecil Loran Lee attempted to sell the same property to Philip Philip Maise and his domestic partner by fraud.
Philip Philip Maise won nearly $225K in two lawsuits against Cecil Loran Cecil Loran Lee for fraud.
Cecil Loran Lee attempted to extort Horowitz after he agreed to allow Cecil Loran Lee to take $85K out of escrow to pay what Cecil Loran Lee referred to as a “high interest loan,” omitting the fact that it was money to pay off the government’s lien.
By the time Horowitz figured out he was being extorted by Cecil Loran Lee, he already had too much money invested in the property to pull out of the deal.
Horowitz’s mortgage payments to Cecil Loran Lee were eventually garnished by Judge Nakamura, and ordered to be paid to Philip Maise.’
Horowitz had a $550K title insurance policy on the property, with Island title company arranged through Stewart Title Guaranty Company.
Island Title Co. was complicit in this crime, because they knew Philip Maise and Cecil Loran Lee were in legal battle, but they failed to disclose to Horowitz that Philip Maise had already encumbered the property when Cecil Loran Lee sold the property “free from encumbrances.” Stewart Title Co. then denied coverage.
They breached their contract and blamed Horowitz for losing the title!
Island Title Co. acted as though they were part of the crime syndicate.
It seems as though they set Horowitz up to go down.
They not only concealed Cecil Loran Lee’s encumbrance on the property; cause after all, Cecil Loran Lee arranged to have Island Title Co. administer escrow and the money, but Island Title Co. referred Horowitz to Glenn Hara of Stanley Roehrig’s lawfirm, Roehrig, Roehrig, Wilson & Glenn Hara before Glenn Hara became Judge Glenn Hara, because they wanted the money from the sale.
So Horowitz went to Attorney Glenn Hara for him to draft what he titled, “The Agreement for Closing Escrow.”
Glenn Hara drafted this document by dictating to Horowitz precisely what the Agreement should say, and Horowitz wrote it down verbatim.
Beforehand, Glenn Hara reviewed all the problematic closing agreements, and his handwriting was all over those original files (attached).
The Agreement for Closing Escrow should have been called “Addendum to the Mortgage.”
That malpractice cost Horowitz a lot of money, because of the fiasco at trial, when Glenn Hara made a secret agreement with Horowitz’s lawyer, John S. Carroll, not to show up as a witness, and also conceal ” The Glenn Hara File.”
All that became problems for Horowitz when Cecil Loran Lee altered that agreement, and cut and pasted signatures on the altered document that omitted Horowitz’s indemnification clause.
Cecil Loran Lee altered the Agreement so that he could foreclose, keep Horowitz’s money, and get the property back as well.
Because Glenn Hara is so heavily involved in the evidence tampering, witness tampering, and obstruction of justice, Judge Ronald Ibarra had cause to protect his subordinate judge ruling outrageously and consistently against Horowitz. This enabled Paul J. Sulla, Jr. to walk all over us.
That Agreement for Closing Escrow was written to protect Horowitz by stating that Cecil Loran Lee could only foreclose if Horowitz did not make timely mortgage payments, which Horowitz did do; and that “certified true original Agreement, of course, remained at the title company.
But no matter! Cecil Loran Lee contacted the property insurance company and had Horowitz’s policy cancelled, which he could not revive, because Cecil Loran Lee had arranged the “residential” policy, and Cecil Loran Lee reported Horowitz was using it commercially; and you could not get commercial property insurance in a “Lava Flow Zone One.” So Cecil Loran Lee knew he had Horowitz stuck between a rock and a hard place.
So Cecil Loran Lee knew Horowitz was no longer protected against a foreclosure suit after Cecil Loran Lee altered the Agreement and had the insurance cancelled. He then submitted his altered agreement to the court claiming Horowitz had altered the altered one!
Yes. You got that right. Cecil Loran Lee claimed that the certified true original Agreement for Closing Escrow was the forgery!
And because Carroll and Glenn Hara plotted to conceal ” The Glenn Hara file,” and not summons Glenn Hara to testify, they all set Horowitz up to have the jury rule in Cecil Loran Lee’s favor on that claim of fraud.
Island Title Co. officials simply said they could not recall what happened to cause the certified true original Agreement to become the fake!
This appears to be how the real estate and drug mob works on the Big Island of Hawaii to steal people’s properties, and fix trials.
Horowitz went through a jury trial that appears to have been rigged also by the most outspoken juryman later being found to have attempted to buy the property immediately after they returned a verdict only marginally in Horowitz’s favor. (See attached Letter to Glenn Hara
The juryman was “Uncle Lewis Strada”–the uncle of Gia Rose-Strada, who worked for Horowitz as a caretaker, but had no idea her uncle was in on a sting to damage Horowitz. (Yes. this was totally bizarre.)
Mr. Strada had an interest in buying the property and attempted to purchase it through a local real estate agent, Dianna Shomer, immediately after the jury was dismissed.
The jury claimed that Horowitz’s version of the Agreement–the certified true original one held by Island Title Co., did not damage Cecil Loran Lee, so there was no money awarded for Horowitz’s alleged alteration of that document.
The jury went one to award Horowitz $200k due to Cecil Loran Lee’s fraud in the sale of the property.
Nevertheless, Horowitz was devastated the jury could claim he forged a document when the original was with the title office, Cecil Loran Lee’s fake had a missing witnesses’ signatures on it, and the Court knew that Cecil Loran Lee had been a convicted felon, and even had Judge Nakamura in the same Third Circuit Court under Judge Ronald Ibarra rule that Cecil Loran Lee had altered MANY documents in his case against Philip Maise.
Thankfully, Judge Ronald Ibarra denied foreclosure and Horowitz prevailed in Civ. No. 05-1-0196.
Then Judge Ronald Ibarra ordered Horowitz to pay the final balloon payment which Horowitz did on February 27, 2009.
Horowitz applied the $200k jury award as directed by Attorney Carroll, and then paid an additional $154k by checks and wire transfers. So the final payment was paid, and Horowitz thought it was all over, and he could go on with his life. But the nightmare had only just begun.
Several months later, Judge Ronald Ibarra allowed Paul J. Sulla, Jr., while Cecil Loran Lee was on his death bed, to file a ridiculously “untimely” “motion for a judgment as a matter of law” to revoke Horowitz’s jury award.
This Motion was supposed to be filed before the jury went into deliberation.
But instead, Judge Ronald Ibarra permitted it, apparently, to cause Cecil Loran Lee’s and Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s victim to be further damaged.
Horowitz has been trying to appeal that jury award ever since 2009, but Judge Ronald Ibarra kept issuing non-appealable judgments according to a Jenkins requirements; so the appellate court kept sending the case back to Judge Ronald Ibarra for new “final judgments”.
Cecil Loran Lee never left a Will and Paul J. Sulla, Jr. never appealed the foreclosure denied ruling, but instead Paul J. Sulla, Jr. found a way to get the property anyway.
The transient shill, Jason Hester, that Paul J. Sulla, Jr. used as a sham heir to claim Horowitz still owed the jury award amount.
Normally, if there is a “deficiency” in mortgage payments, the person owed the money can simply motion the court for a “deficiency judgment.”
But Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s scheme needed to conceal that fact that he, and Cecil Loran Lee, had evaded notices that the final balloon payment had been made.
They failed to release the mortgage as required by Hawaii law HRS § 506-8. Paul J. Sulla, Jr. also needed to conceal his bigger scheme of fraudulently transferring the paid-off mortgage and note into a sham “church” that would soon take the place of the dying Cecil Loran Lee.
After Paul J. Sulla, Jr. substituted THE OFFICE OF OVERSEER, A CORPORATE SOLE AND ITS SUCCESSOR, OVER AND FOR THE POPULAR ASSEMBLY OF REVITALIZE, A GOSPEL OF BELIEVERS. (You would not believe this is the real name, but it is. Let’s just call it “GOB”), Paul J. Sulla, Jr. claimed that Horowitz owed GOB $200.000 on the void mortgage, and would be foreclosed upon non-judicially if Horowitz did not pay. (That’s called “extortion.”)
And when Horowitz refused to bend, Paul J. Sulla, Jr. committed the illegal NJF foreclosure auction on the court steps in violation of HRS §§ 667-5; 651-C; 480-2; 480D; and 485.
This was how Paul J. Sulla, Jr. sold our house to Jason Hester, the alleged “Overseer” of the fake GOB.
We hired Attorney Gary Dubin to stop Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s auction, but Gary Dubin took our money and did nothing to block Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s NJF.
We did film and produce a news segment on Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s illegal auction, and you can view this HERE
We went back to Gary Dubin about how he neglected his duty, and he simply claimed that “possession was 9/10ths of the law” and said not to worry.
Then Paul J. Sulla, Jr. used Jason Hester to attempt to evict us in the lower district court and we went back to Gary Dubin again and complained that this now happened as a consequence of Gary Dubin’s inaction or negligence.
Gary Dubin told us to pay a total of $26K, or we would most certainly lose that case.
Gary Dubin then had one of his subordinates, Benjamin Brower, take our case.
Brower and Gary Dubin started making back room deals with Paul J. Sulla, Jr.. (We have e-mails to confirm this.) Brower and Gary Dubin claimed that Paul J. Sulla, Jr. wanted an extension since he was “new” to the case, which everyone but the judge knew was a lie.
We never agreed to that “continuance,” and it should have stopped there.
But it didn’t.
So we complained to Gary Gary Dubin again, and Gary Dubin allegedly fired Brower.
Gary Dubin then sent us a part time judge, Peter Stone, who put in a great filing and the case was instantly dismissed. (See attached quote about Paul J. Sulla, Jr. from Peter Stone. The full filing by Stone available upon request.)
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. also attempted to serve us ejectment warrants by posting them on our gate. There were 5 day notices to vacate. He used another attorney’s stationary, and conducted a forgery of a process server’s signature on the documents.
We hired handwriting expert Beth Chrisman who confirmed that this was Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s dirty work.
Horowitz and I are journalists so we had been documenting everything that was happening, and Paul J. Sulla, Jr. was very unhappy about that
Around that time, in 2012, we learned about Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s drug church, and that he had acquired over 50 properties, and used them to launder his drug money.
According to a Federal Tax Investigator who contacted us for information about Paul J. Sulla, Jr. after Paul J. Sulla, Jr. was named in a Superseding Indictiment of Hawaii arms dealer, Art Ong, and the U.S. Treasury Dept. was investigating, Derick Tabania appeared on our radar screen.
Tabania explained that Paul J. Sulla, Jr. appears to be involved in a pattern of creating and administering what Tabania called a “Vertical Abusive Trust Beneficiary Scheme.” That’s how Paul J. Sulla, Jr. always remains an arms length away from any corporation or trust that he creates, the tax investigator explained.
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. also promotes on his website blog that he assists people who are victims of mortgage or foreclosure fraud, while he himself is engaged in committing it. This shows his psychopathic “condition of mind.”
At one point, Paul J. Sulla, Jr. started getting heat from people, so he decided to sue us for defamation.
That case went before another one of Judge Ronald Ibarra’s subordinate judges’ in the Third Circuit–Judge Elizabeth Strance. (She is no longer on the bench, because the Judicial Selection Committee had apparently received so many complaints about her, they decided to now renew her contract.)
Horowitz and I filed a counter complaint against Paul J. Sulla, Jr. containing more than a dozen counter-claims. Nonetheless, Judge Strance violated our rights and made us take down Paul J. Sulla, for almost 3 years.
Judge Strance ordered us to mediation with Paul J. Sulla, Jr., which was a farce.
We decided on a retired judge as the mediator. Judge Amano started requesting that Jason Hester come forward for questioning, but of course Paul J. Sulla, Jr. blocked that from happening, and made up lame excuses for why Jason Hester would not be available.
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. never intended for us to make it to trial, and has always avoided any trial with us. So 6 weeks before the trial in the defamation case, in a hearing that Paul J. Sulla, Jr. did not attend, Judge Strance removed her judicial robe, came off the bench, and sat down with us, telling us she wanted to dismiss the case.

Former Judge Elizabeth Strance
We then told Judge Strance we were all prepared to go to trial.
Horowitz had even prepared a Powerpoint presentation to show the jury.
Then we asked about our counterclaims and Judge Strance then delivered a SHOCKER!
Judge Strance claimed she “lost” all of our Counterclaims.
Lost them?
We had submitted them three times, and we have records of each filing.
How could Judge Elizabeth A. Strance’s Court have lost our counterclaims?
Stance had no explanation, but was apologetic.
She said she would look for them, and get back to us.
A few days later she informed us that we had no counterclaims, and that since we had nothing to gain by going to trial, we should just drop the case.
That is how we prevailed in Civ. No. 12-1-0417.
What is interesting is that Judge Strance, when she sat with us, she told us that she believed us.
She believed everything we claimed about Paul J. Sulla, Jr., including him stealing our property.
Judge Strance had witnessed Paul J. Sulla, Jr. testifying and covering-up his drug church operations.
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. actually pled the 5th Amendment right not to answer. (That is called a “negative averment” or “adverse inference;” which should have been taken very seriously by any judge.)
In retrospect, we believe that the Third Circuit Court officials knew we were going to slam dunk Paul J. Sulla, Jr. at trial, and they pressed Judge Strance to dismiss the case so as not to air Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s dirty laundry.
A few months earlier, Paul J. Sulla, Jr. had summoned us for a settlement meeting, and when we showed up, it was a set up. Paul J. Sulla, Jr. had a process server serve us with another eviction complaint in the same lower district court that we had already defeated the same complaint with the help of Peter Stone. That State district court had no jurisdiction over title matters.
Jason Hester was also present, but was told by Paul J. Sulla, Jr. not to speak.
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. then extorted Horowitz again, and said he could make this all disappear if we paid them $375K. (That extortion was being recorded, we later learned, by one of our friends.)
We of course told him and Jason Hester that they were not entitled to any money; that we had already paid for our property, and even if there was any money due, neither he nor Jason Hester was entitled to it. (Recording available on request.)
After Horowitz filed counterclaims for malicious prosecution, malpractice and contempt of court, Paul J. Sulla, Jr. then attempted to dismiss the lower court’s case he had filed to get us evicted. Judge Freitas ordered that Paul J. Sulla, Jr. file in the proper court or he would be made to go to trial on Horowitz’s counterclaims.
That is when Paul J. Sulla, Jr. filed Civ. No. 14-1-0304, “Jason Hester’s” quiet title case.
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. again claimed that we had not paid the $200k left on the note since our jury award was unlawfully vacated because of him.
We had been trying to get an appealable judgment on that $200k but were blocked by Judge Ronald Ibarra from getting that, and even if the Appeals court were to say that the $200k jury award was vacated correctly, then the next question would be: “Who would be entitled to get that $200k?”
Jason Hester has no standing to stand in the shoes of Cecil Loran Lee, and if he did, Paul J. Sulla, Jr. has never provided any proof that Jason Hester is the legal heir.
People ask what happened with Probate Court. Well Paul J. Sulla, Jr. came into the picture after we beat a malicious prosecution lawsuit and trial for judicial foreclosure because Horowitz had paid the mortgage timely and had too much equity in the property.
So Paul J. Sulla, Jr. was not the original attorney for the seller during the trial and he suddenly appears on the case after the trial, and goes to Probate court and tells the court the truth that his client Cecil Loran Lee (the original seller) lost the judicial foreclosure to us and is out of the case, since has no more interest in the property.
So the case was closed. Or so we thought.

Paul J Sulla, Jr admits to the probate court that his “client” Cecil Loran Lee lost the case to us and does not own anything anymore. Later Sulla comes up with his scheme using Jason Hester
All the while Paul J. Sulla, Jr. is concocting a scheme to later act like we never won and he never went to Probate court.
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. finds a strawman drifter, Jason Hester, creates a fake church and makes Jason Hester the overseer, transfers our notes and mortgage into the fake church and proceeds with his scheme to steal our place with a NJF auction, like we never won the judicial foreclosure case, tells the court he is the lawyer for his “client” and then eventually this past September transferred the property to himself.
I gotta write a book on how to steal a house from a crooks pov: Proven to be effective in committing Grand Theft.
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. stated these facts to Judge Strance in the Probate case, in order to get Strance to dismiss the probate action while fraudulently concealing Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s self-appointed personal representative status now managing Cecil Loran Lee’s estate without any court authorization that is required.
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. was also concealing his fraudulent transfers of the mortgage and notes into GOB formed by Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s forgery of Cecil Loran Lee’s signatures on pages 6 and 8 of the Incorporation papers filed with the DCCA.
So Paul J. Sulla, Jr. filed for quiet title in this current case that is the latest case wherein Judge Ronald Ibarra and his subordinates are railroading us (0304) concealing Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s torts and crimes. Instead of getting any kind of justice, we got hammered, censored, and deprived of our due process rights.
Again Paul J. Sulla, Jr. or Jason Hester never got questioned, even though the burden of proof was on them to prove the strength of their title.
We attempted to remove the case to U.S. Federal court, and Judg e Seabright remanded it after assistant Judge Richard L. Puglisi disqualified Paul J. Sulla, Jr. as a necessary witness at trial.
We never had a trial!
We were completely shut down so the Court could deliver our property to Paul J. Sulla, Jr..
After Paul J. Sulla, Jr. was disqualified, it was Stephen Whittaker that Paul J. Sulla, Jr. hired to represent Jason Hester.
Not once did anyone question how a homeless drifter can afford two high priced lawyers.
It was obvious and now confirmed by our attorney that Paul J. Sulla, Jr. is the one paying Whittaker.
Whittaker appeared to have a close relationship with Judge Strance.
They are both part of the small LGBT community in Kona.
Strance was leaving the bench and she did her friend a favor.
The first thing they did was challenge our standing, to divert from challenging Plaintiff Jason Hester’s standing, which is a violation, since the burden of proof was on Jason Hester not us.
They claimed since Horowitz’s Corporation sole, was on the original mortgage, we had no standing, and no standing to defend the Corporation either, without a lawyer.
Even though, Horowitz and I were named as individuals in the lawsuit, and even though Horowitz’s signature was on the original promissory note, and even though Horowitz brought in a lawyer to vacate the default on our ministry, and even though 2 years prior to this current case, we had transferred all interests from the Corporation Sole into our personal names, and then dissolved the corporation sole, because Paul J. Sulla, Jr. kept maliciously suing it.
The corporation sole no longer had any interest in the property, we did! All mortgage payments were paid timely (we have the check receipts) and were signed by Horowitz.
It was his money.
Also HRS 419-8 and Washington statutes 24.12.010 and 24.12.020 gave Horowitz standing to defend his property, in the “winding up” period of the corporate sole.
By taking our standing away, it was like our case no longer had any legs.
The 0304 judgment is void, because:
(1) not once did Jason Hester ever put in one affidavit or even have to come to court to testify.
That means there were no facts before the court to rule in favor of Jason Hester.
In other words, the court lacked “subject matter jurisdiction;” and
(2) Jason Hester’s name was not on the note.
That means he had no standing and the court had no “personal jurisdiction.”
All that means is that the final judgment granting Jason Hester quiet title to our property is VOID.
Whittaker filed for Summary Judgment, and Judge Ronald Ibarra took over the case from Strance.
For the Summary Judgment, Whittaker brought in a fake Jason Hester (see attached photographs of the imposter!)
The imposter came with a fake family to gain Judge Ronald Ibarra’s sympathy.
I told the judge that Jason Hester was not in the courtroom, but he ignored it.
We attempted to get Judge Ronald Ibarra disqualified for bias around this time, but he denied our request.
We knew that he was violating our rights to due process, and of res judicata, but Judge Ronald Ibarra kept saying that he was doing this because of the NJF foreclosure, and we kept telling him that the NJF was void because it violated 667-5, and because Paul J. Sulla, Jr. had no right to foreclose, and his church had no right, since Sulla nor Hester had no right, and since Paul J. Sulla, Jr. had not formed it yet, when he transferred our notes and mortgage via forgeries into GOB.
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. has no right to use Jason Hester as an heir when he was not.
Especially since Cecil Loran Lee had a son and also a sister he chose to live with in Arizona when he died, that he would have left a Will for, if he had any entitlement or interest in the subject property left.
We kept asking Judge Ronald Ibarra how come Paul J. Sulla, Jr. and Jason Hester were never questioned about their standing or about the forgeries, or about violating 667-5, or 651-C and the judge never addressed it with us or bothered to question Jason Hester or Paul J. Sulla, Jr..
The fact alone that Judge Ronald Ibarra allowed Jason Hester to substitute for Cecil Loran Lee was an outrage, without Jason Hester ever being made to prove anything. Paul J. Sulla, Jr. either had Judge Ronald Ibarra, Strance, and Fujino been completely conned; or they knew what they were doing to purposely aid-and-abet Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s First Degree theft.
Judge Ronald Ibarra never blinked an eye when our Attorney Margaret Wille put in filings and pleaded that this was an illegal cheme, involving forgeries, and that Jason Hester was a shill.
Click Here is a video of that hearing.
Also below is Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s money laundering enterprise chart. He created trusts and LLCs to hide the income for tax evasion involving more than 50 properties, while concealing his own interests.
The name “ROBERTOSILVA,” is actually two names combined to conceal Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s Ayahusca (DMT) drug enterprise.
If you separate the names “Roberto” and “Silva” and put the name like that in the search, you see the connnection to ayahuasca and DMT commerce.
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. also writes the church name like this because his local DMT manufacturing business is illegal.
Here is an incident that happened in Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s drug church where a man had a life threatening accident after being given Ayahuasca by Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s “church” officials.
Finally, Judge Ronald Ibarra replaced himself in our case, with a new Circuit Court Judge named Melvin Fujino who has now signed off on a Writ of Ejectment on a property Horowitz paid for with his life savings.
The Writ of Ejectment was stamped on the 1st of March but sneakily delivered on our gate on the night of March 12th, and not entered on the Ho’ohiki court record until March 11th, and never sent to our attorney Margaret Wille or to us.
This delay in allowing us to receive it, also prejudiced us in filing an opposition.
Currently, the ejectment is at the Hilo Sheriff’s department, and Attorney Wille was told by a deputy that Paul J. Sulla, Jr. is the one that is pushing for it to be served. Attorney Wille told the sheriff that Paul J. Sulla, Jr. has been disqualified from representing Jason Hester so Paul J. Sulla, Jr. has no right to be in correspondence with the sheriff’s office in this matter.
Attorney Margaret Wille is an esteemed County Councilwoman on the Big Island, and is responsible for helping pass the ethics bills.
She sees something seriously wrong with what is going on in the Third Circuit Court.
In the photo above, she is questioning Mayor Billy Kenoi, who was later indicted on multiple counts of thievery and perjury.
Horowitz had filed for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy because the property is necessary for reorganization, since all of our current debt comes from our legal fees regarding the subject property.
If we were able to regain our title back and open up the inn to business, then we would have been able to pay back our attorneys fees.
Unfortunately Bankruptcy Judge Robert Faris, stated he would not go against the state court in any way and the Trustee’s Attorney Bradley Tamm was complicit in giving Paul J. Sulla, Jr. everything. Bradley Tamm was suspended in California from practicing law, for drugs, alchohol, and embezzling clients money.
Tamm was brought over to the Honolulu by Hawaii Supreme Court Judge Mark Recktenwald.
After this incident in the bankruptcy court, Bradley Tamm was made head of the Hawaii Office of Disciplinary Counsel (ODC), and went on deny complaints against Paul J. Sulla, Jr., which is a conflict of interest.
See Tamm confronted by Horowitz and myself HERE.
So the Automatic Stay granted in Bankruptcy court was granted, which gave Paul J. Sulla, Jr. the opportunity to move forward with his theft scheme.
On June 10, 2016, Paul J. Sulla, Jr. trespassed onto our property with a group of others including a realtor named Lori Enriques, of Big Island Land Company owned by Sulla’s friend, Greg Gadd, and they broke into our house, intimidating our land caretaker.
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. even had a locksmith change the locks.
The police were called and he was removed. He claimed that the sheriff’s were taking too long to come.
Our neighbor called the police and took these photos.

Drug trafficking Attorney Paul J. Paul J. Sulla, Jr., Jr breaking and entering our home he acquired by forgery

Paul J. Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s covert locksmith he uses to break into home after Paul J. Sulla, Jr. forges documents to steal them.

Big Island Land Company Greg Gadd, complicit with Paul J. Paul J. Sulla, Jr., Jr in theft in the first degree of Real Property
The local Hilo sheriff’s would not come and and evict us, so Paul J. Paul J. Sulla, Jr. hired a corrupt sheriff from Maui named Patrick Sheriff Patrick Sniffen.
He flew him over to the Big Island and allegedly paid him big bucks to come onto our property on July 7th, 2016, when no one was home, break in, and he handed our property over to a realtor commissioned by Paul J. Sulla, Jr. named Lori Enriques.
Enriques works under Paul J. Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s realtor friend, Gregg Gadd at Big Island Land Company in Hilo.
Gadd even submitted an affidavit in support of Sulla to the court.
Lori Enriques resided in our stolen home until Sulla brought in ayahuasca trafficker, Marc Shackman from the UK.

Marc Shackman
Shackman was shut down in Washington State for running an illegal ayahuasca church there, before Sulla moved him into our stolen home, in 2016.
This unlawful eviction that robbed us of our home, was not done by any bank
Our property was actually handed to a white collar crime gang.
This group includes drug dealers that have been terrorizing us for a long time.
While we had possession, Paul J. Paul J. Sulla, Jr. never set foot on the property.
Today he refuses to care for the property and has vandalized it.
There are many fixtures such as our valuable fish ponds, fruit trees and our structures that we cannot take with us. None of these things were ever considered for their value, nor determined by any court based on the merits.
We continued to pay the taxes on it, because the county threatened that it would go to auction it, regardless of our predicament.
We pray that eventually we will have a fair judge in the justice system that can help us stop this malicious prosecution and property theft, and prevent these devil-doers from harming anyone else.
UPDATE in SEPTEMBER 2016, Paul J. Sulla, Jr. covertly transferred our property to himself.
Paul J. Sulla, Jr, is still telling the courts he is just the lawyer for his “client’ and has no interests in our property.
warranty-deed-Jason Hester-to-Paul J. Sulla, Jr.-9-9-2016
halai-heights-dcca-registration_Paul J. Sulla, Jr._2-1-16

Halai Heights, shell LLC created by Paul J. Paul J. Sulla, Jr., Jr to place our house into, after he forged documents to steal it.
Paul J. Paul J. Sulla, Jr. Jr’s Illegal Ayahuasca Drug Church Operation believed to be used for theft of Real Property and Money Laundering:
BREG Online Services – Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s Church
BREG Online Services – Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s Church Officer
Incident at Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s Drug Church
This is the website for Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s drug church:
See further evidence in graphics at the bottom of the page.
Some Other Victims of Paul J. Paul J. Sulla, Jr., Jr’s drug church and other crimes.:
Affidavits of Anonymous Parties
AFFIDAVIT OF KAUAI KKCR Victims of Paul J. Sulla, Jr.
The Many Hats worn by Paul J. Paul J. Sulla, Jr., Jr.:
Hats Worn By Paul J. Sulla, Jr.
Proof that Paul J. Sulla, Jr. admitted that Cecil Loran Lee had no more interest in the property because he Cecil Loran Lee had lost in a foreclosure to Horowitz:
Estate of Cecil Loran Cecil Loran Lee
Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s illegal 50K Mortgage to Jason Hester on our property:
MORTGAGE of Paul J. Sulla, Jr. to Jason Hester
Letter and Tax Records proving that the church Paul J. Sulla, Jr. created to non-judicially foreclose in order to steal our property was a fraud:
Ritke Letter To Jason Jason Hester
Tax Office Records of Fraud Ritke, Jason Hester
Affidavit of Private Investigator proving that Jason Jason Hester is not blood related to Seller Cecil Loran Cecil Loran Lee, as Paul J. Paul J. Sulla, Jr., Jr claimed.
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. claimed that Jason Hester was Cecil Loran Lee’s nephew, and then later after this affidavit from the PI, changed his story and claimed Jason Hester was Cecil Loran Lee’s grandnephew.
Affidavit of Christopher Baker BSIS
Affidavit of Handwriting Expert Beth Chrisman proving Paul J. Sulla, Jr. forged the Mortgage and notes by copy and paste in order to transfer them from Horowitz and his Corporation Sole The Royal Bloodline of David to a church that did not yet exist.
Declaration of Handwriting Expert Beth Chrisman proving Paul J. Sulla, Jr. forged the signature or Process Server, Robert Ducat as RDUM.
Hawaii County Officials’ Discovery of Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s “2nd Degree Forgery” of his “Warranty Deed” to our property Noticed by the County of Hawaii Tax Department officials in February 2018.
This is evidenced in their letter to Paul J. Sulla, Jr. effectively voiding Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s interests as well as subjecting Paul J. Sulla, Jr. to criminal prosecution in C#18009739.
County of Hawaii Letter to Paul J. Sulla, Jr. on 2-13-18
Prima facie criminal evidence of Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s forgery and fraud from public records includes the following records in the “chain of records” Paul J. Sulla, Jr. used to steal our property:
Exhibits for Motion to Join Paul J. Sulla, Jr. 10-8-18
These are more of Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s false filings with the State and the initial entity, “Gospel of Believers,” Paul J. Paul J. Sulla, Jr., Jr. used to steal our home:
Paul J. Sulla, Jr._Files_2009_Moves_Entity_RDPMS_PDF-12240514
Paul J. Sulla, Jr.FilesForJasonJason Hester_2011_RDPMS_PDF-12660873
Paul J. Sulla, Jr._Puts_Strawman_Jason HesterOnFakeChurchEntity_RDPMS_PDF-12660872
Paul J. Sulla, Jr.PutsJasonJason HesterOnFakeChurchEntity_2010_RDPMS_PDF-12660872
Paul J. Sulla, Jr.Files-AnnualReport_ChangesAddress_2009_RDPMS_12240514
Paul J. Sulla, Jr.FilesForReinstatementForBackYearsOfFakeChurch_2009_RDPMS_PDF-12240511
Fake Church set up Loran Cecil Loran Lee’s name with no signature_2004_RDPMS_PDF-1266087
Attorney Margaret Wille’s Letter to Judge Ronald Ibarra regarding his delay of signing the 5th Amended final judgment in 0196, while he allowed the 0304 to fly by.
Attorney Margaret Wille’s Letter to Judge Ronald Ibarra 3-3-16
Hoohiki Record proving that on 3/17/16, Attorney Wille’s request for the process of the 5th Amended final judgment, had still not been signed, 2 months later.
Hawai`i State Judiciary: Ho`ohiki_03_17_2016
Attorney Whittaker lies to Circuit Court Judge Melvin Fujino on 2/26/15 regarding his knowledge that he was given 10 days by Judge Ronald Ibarra to respond.
On 10/30/15, he clearly acknowledged to the judge a few times, that he had 10 days.
The Judge allows Whittaker to get away with this, and even signs off on a Writ of Ejectment 3 days later, giving our property to Jason Jason Hester (but really to Paul J. Paul J. Sulla, Jr., Jr. who is the concealed real party of interest)
These are the two Conflicting Final Judgments. Paul J. Sulla, Jr. lied to the Bankruptcy Judge Faris and told him there was not 2 conflicting judgments.
5th Amended Final Judgment stamped March 4th, 2016 that states that judicial foreclosure was denied, and Horowitz prevailed after jury trial, and that the final balloon payment of the mortgage had been paid. (See page 5 Footnote 1)
Conflicting Final Judgment that gives away subject property Dec 30, 2015, to Jason Jason Hester with no questions asked of Jason Hester and no trial ever involving him or Paul J. Sulla, Jr..
Writ of Ejectment stamped by clerk of Judge Melvin Fujino on March 1st, and posted to our gate on March 12th, to prejudice us in responding to it timely.
Paul J. Paul J. Sulla, Jr. Jr’s handwriting is on the document over words that are crossed out and not initialed.
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. was disqualified from representing Jason Hester in this case, but still continues to attempt to steal our home and land.
Writ Of Ejectment (1) court stamped 3-1-16 and posted on gate on 3-12-16
Note: The Writ of Ejectment above states by the clerk that it is a true copy of the original, and even though it was stamped by the court, it is not filed with the court.
The Writ below is what is actually filed with the court and instead of a stamp, it has Judge Melvin Fujino’ signature on it.
We never received a copy of this version of the Writ below until our attorney Margaret Wille went to the court and acquired it, after the suspicious way the Writ 1 was was delivered on our gate.
Note: Writ 2 below was not the Writ posted to our gate, even though the Writ posted on our gate says “True and Original copy.”
We believe that Writ 2 below was created by Judge Fujino to cover up the fact that disqualified and concealed real party of interest, Paul J. Paul J. Sulla, Jr. Jr’s handwriting was on the Writ posted on our gate.
This is more evidence that Judge Melvin Fujino is complicit with Paul J. Paul J. Sulla, Jr., Jr.
Notice the different handwritten where the words are crossed out on both documents. How can the court claim that one is copy of the other?
This is the comparison chart timeline of the Writ of Ejectment.
Writ of Ejectment Comparison Table w- Writs 1 & 2
Attorney Margaret Wille’s letter to the Judge Fujino regarding the violation of our rights in the court including with the manner in which the Writ of Ejectment was issued.
Attorney Margaret Wille’s Letter to Judge Fujino 3-14-16
Attorney Wille’s Motion to Stay the Writ of Ejectment, where again she states that our 14th Amendment rights are being violated.
Defendants Emergency Motion for Stay of Writ of Ejectment 3-14-16
Attorney Margaret Wille’s Motion for Continuance which was denied. In this motion she states the same thing she has been attempting to tell both Judge Ronald Ibarra and now Judge Fujino that this is a scheme and a hoax to steal our property based on Paul J. Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s forgeries:
Motion for Continuance Complete 5-9-16
Out of 6000 pages on the 0196 Appeals record, 6 of the pages in different section were whited out, and all of the whiting out happens to be the handwriting of Judge Glenn Hara when he was Attorney Glenn Hara of Stanley Roehrig’s law firm, Roehrig, Roehrig, Wilson & Glenn Hara.
It is believed that Judge Ronald Ibarra was involved in the tampering of evidence to cover up Judge Glenn Hara’s malpractice and involvement in what took place in the case.
FBI Special Agent, Cecelia Kong examined the records and quickly concluded, “This is the judge.”
She subsequently wrote up the case to encourage a federal indictment for “public corruption” involving the Third Circuit Court officials who had aided-and-abetted Paul J. Sulla, Jr. by willful blindness and/or direct complicity.
Agent Kong was denied further involvement by her superiors who excused the FBI for “lacking resources.”
Agent Kong, and collaborating agent Michael Carbone on the Big Island, both expressed their disappointment to us. The following audio recording evidences Agent Kong’s narrative.
Recorded apology of FBI Special Agent Cecelia Kong who did her best to indict Paul J. Sulla, Jr. and oppose the corrupted justice system protecting Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s drug trafficking enterprise:
Overlapping players in the TMT Judicial Stonewalling and Railroading Case.
In a somewhat-related case regarding the unlawful TMT project, now suddenly referred to as “TIO,” Attorney Stanley Roehrig, who is also a member of the BLNR is allegedly involved in a criminal no-disclosure scandal for failure to disclose information regarding compromising relations and seemingly over $70,000 of conflict of interest with so-called “PUEO” President Shadd Keahi Warfield.
Considering our case and FBI Agent Kong’s blocked “public corruption” claim, Roehrig was Judge Glenn Hara’s partner.
In our case, Glenn Hara was our first attorney who malpracticed as explained in our federal case against Stewart Title Guaranty Co. and First American (Island Title Co.) who referred Dr. Horowitz to Glenn Hara to entrap Len in an illegal “tying agreement” with the Seller, convicted drug trafficker Cecil Loran Lee. You can read up on this matter by downloading:
Plaintiffs’ Motion for Relief Supplement w-Exhibits 8-13-18
Mehana Kihoi is defending the sacred Mauna Kea mountain from TMT, and she recently put in a 118 page Memorandum & Motion for RECONSIDERATION TO DENY THE INTERVENTION OF PERPETUATING UNIQUE EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES AS A PARTY.
The motion of reconsideration stems from the appearance of new and pertinent information.
“PUEO should be denied intervention as a party to the contested case because new and relevant information presented demonstrates the President of PUEO, Shadd Keahi Warfield, has a financial conflict of interest to BLNR member Stanley Roehrig.”
“Roehrig received thousands of dollars in tax exemptions due to his business relationship with Warfield.”
Roehrig filed a so-called disclosure failing to profess any of this information.
Attorney Stanley Roehrig was also involved in censorship of public documents in 2006 in an unrelated case.
The TMT opposition was effectively stonewalled by Judge Riki May Amano in 2017, as later made publicly known HERE. Quoting the Deep State’s Star Advertiser:
“BLNR erred when it allowed former [Third] Circuit Court Judge Riki May Amano to be the contested case hearings officer even though she was a member of the University of Hawaii at Hilo’s ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center, creating the appearance of bias.”
In one of our cases against Paul J. Sulla, Jr., Amano served as the mediator.
She realized that Jason Hester was a “sham Plaintiff,” but never effectively objected to our knowledge.
Here is a copy of evidence showing Amano’s involvement in our case:
Judge Amano Finds Jason Hester Required for Mediation
Now back to more evidence in our case against Paul J. Paul J. Sulla, Jr., Jr….
Adversarial Complaint within Chapter 13 Bankruptcy:
Adversary Proceeding Complaint March 9 2015 w-Exhibits and stamped
Motion in Adversarial Complaint that proves Paul J. Sulla, Jr. violated the Bankruptcy Automatic Stay:
Motion for TRO Stay Extension and Exhibits 3-18-2016
Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s Motion to Lift the Automatic Stay in bankruptcy Court which is filled with lies and omissions:
Motion for Relief of Stay Paul J. Sulla, Jr. 3-21-16
Horowitz’s response to Jason Hester/Paul J. Sulla, Jr. Motion to Lift the Stay
Memorandum in Reply to Motion for Relief of Stay w: Exhibits stamped 3-28-16
Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s response to Horowitz’s response to Lifting the Stay which includes lies and Omissions again including the claim that there is a tax auction scheduled for June 3o, 2016 and Paul J. Sulla, Jr. also falsely claims that there are not 2 conflicting final judgments.
Jason Hester’sResponsetoResponsetoStay 4-2-16
Motion by Horowitz filed against Paul J. Paul J. Sulla, Jr., Jr.
More of Paul J. Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s lies to Federal Bankruptcy court.
More proof that Paul J. Sulla, Jr. lied to the bankruptcy court Judge Faris by his false claims that there is a pending tax sale if county property taxes are not paid in full by June 30th.
This is a letter from the county tax office confirming that our property is not scheduled for a tax auction.
Letter from The Hawaii County Tax Office
Our Agreement with the Hawaii County tax office since Paul J. Sulla, Jr. transferred the taxes out of Horowitz’s name:
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. violates Automatic Bankruptcy Stay by requesting Attorneys Fees and Costs in another Appeals case:
Request and Declaration of Counsel for Attorneys’ Fees and Costs 3-11-16
Len’s response to Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s request for Attorney Fees and Costs:
Appellant Opposition to Request for Fees and Costs with Exhibits 1 to 11 Filed 3-15-16
Len was TOTALLY stonewalled and railroaded by Bankruptcy Judge Faris working complicity with the U.S. Trustee, Howard Hu represented by Bradley Tamm.
A complaint Len filed with the U.S. Trustee’s office can be read here, stating, “Trustee HOWARD M.S. HU, and his counsel, BRADLEY R. TAMM (JD 7841), tortuously and criminally damaging the Debtor, as explicitly detailed and evidenced in the attached copies of recent court filings.”
Letter to US Trustee Complaint 9-15-16
Later, Trump adversary and Deep State advocate, Judge Derick Watson on appeal, of course, backed Watson and Hu completely neglecting the laws requiring trustees to protect and reclaim contested properties that are part of the Chapter 13 estate.
Faris, Hu and Watson granted Paul J. Sulla, Jr. everything he asked for except the property itself, knowing it would get them into trouble by direct complicity (rather than simply “willful blindness” alone).
Here are some related filings from the corrupted bankruptcy court and appeal:
Motion for Reconsideration with Exhibits 1-7 : filed 4-21-17
Opposition to Motion to Dismiss – stamped – 1-30-17
Court transcript Horowitz v Paul J. Sulla, Jr. Bankrjupcy Hearing April 12 2016
Court transcript Horowitz v Paul J. Sulla, Jr. Bankrjupcy Hearing April 24 2016
Court transcript 3 Horowitz v Paul J. Sulla, Jr. Bankrjupcy Hearing April 29 2016
Video Motion to Disqualify Judge Ronald Judge Ronald Ibarra- Check this video out, it is a stunner! Ronald Ibarra/
Hilo Prosecutor Mitch Roth refuses to investigate Paul J. Paul J. Sulla, Jr., Jr. falsely claiming that the statute of limitations were up in 2004, even though Paul J. Paul J. Sulla, Jr. came into the picture in 2009 to steal.
2004 was when the Seller, Loren Cecil Loran Lee was first reported. Paul J. Sulla, Jr. has extended Cecil Loran Lee’s crimes, which are ongoing, so this letter was written in bad faith.
Prosecutors Letter to Horowitz 10-26-15 denying further action.
Incredibly, the Intermediate Court of Appeals has similarly acted to indemnify Paul J. Sulla, Jr. against prosecution. They wouldn’t even join Paul J. Sulla, Jr. to the two pending appeals as is required by Rule 19(a) of the Rules of Civil Procedure and Attorney Wille’s joinder motions.
Subsequently, when new Third Circuit Judge Henry Nakamoto joined the conspiracy to deny our rights to due process and the property, Len was ordered to pay Paul J. Sulla, Jr. more than $30,000 in fines, fees and costs.
During the October 2018 appeal, Len charged Nakamoto with aiding-and-abetting Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s theft by willful blindness as you can read below.
Good quotes from Dr. Horowitz’s filing of Motion, Memo and Declaration to Join Paul J. Sulla, Jr. 10-8-18 backed by Exhibits for Motion to Join Paul J. Sulla, Jr. 10-8-18 include:
“Jason Hester’s standing is seriously undermined.”
“’Clearly, Jason Hester’s standing in this case is questionable.’ (ROA Part 1, Doc. 9 p. 164-165.)
Jason Hester’s standing is also mooted by the voiding of Jason Hester’s conveyance document—the forged warranty deed Paul J. Sulla, Jr. filed, in effect making Jason Hester the agent for transferring stolen Property for money laundering through HHLLC and Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s widely known dimethyltryptamine (‘DMT’ –‘designer LSD’—‘God molecule’) enterprise.” (ROA Part 1, Doc. 9 p. 151.)
Prejudice to the Parties
“A failure to join Paul J. Sulla, Jr. as an indispensable party in this case under Rule 19(b) or 19(a) would not only damage the Appellant and prejudice the Court, it would also damage the reputability of the judiciary under the instant circumstances wherein several government officials and law enforcers have vetted several Paul J. Sulla, Jr. misdeeds.
Continuing non-joinder would give a clear and convincing impression of impropriety administered to protect or indemnify Paul J. Sulla, Jr. at the expense of his victims and law enforcement.
“Failure to join Paul J. Sulla, Jr. would virtually preclude the Court’s jurisdiction over Jason Hester by reason of Paul J. Sulla, Jr. being the “‘front-man,’ ‘gate-keeper,’ or Jason Hester’s and Cecil Loran Lee’s ‘virtual representative.’
Maintaining this dynamic comes with the risk of obstructing justice, and bringing the whole of Hawaii’s judiciary into disrepute.”
Additional filings in the Nakamoto case and appeal include:
Jurisdictional Statement 10-5-18 backed by Exhibits for Jurisdictional Statement 10-5-18
Motion to Quash with Exhibits that was “unconscionably” omitted from the Record on Appeal (ROA) sent by Nakamoto’s administrators to the ICA (in CAAP 18-000584). This “impression of impropriety” compounds the incredible “loss” of Len’s entire “Answer and Affirmative defense” filing that also was omitted from the ROA.
If it was truly “lost,” then Nakamoto could not have read it, but decided anyway to grant Paul J. Sulla, Jr. everything he asked for. This case best demonstrates the “public corruption” charge advanced by FBI Special Agent Kong.
These 2018 filings and proceedings prompted Dr. Horowitz to Publicly Notice Prosecutor Roth and Hawaii Attorney General/Lt. Gov. Douglas Chin that they are breaking laws. A copy of this Notice and Exhibits are downloadable here:
Prosecutor Notice w:ODC Complaint 9-17-18
Dr. Horowitz’s Notice to public officials concerning their shared duty to stop organized crime in Hawaii is here:
Public Officials Notice Re Service of Roth and Chin 10-10-18
On Oct. 16, 2018 Dr. Horowitz contacted Prosecutor Roth’s office to follow up on the above correspondence and new evidence including County of Hawaii action voiding Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s forged warranty deed to our property.
Roth’s secretary said she sees there is “no pending case” in the prosecutor’s office.
That the police, apparently were not finished with their investigation. That was not true. We got word directly from Officer Kenaco in June 2018 that the case had gone to the prosecutor.
Below is a phone message from Kenaco confirming this. Roth’s stonewalling is disgusting! He should be tried for aiding-and-abetting Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s crimes
The next day, the doctor called Roth’s office as spoke with “Tammy,” Roth’s secretary, who stated in the recording below that the Hilo Police Department had blocked Roth’s access to the Paul J. Sulla, Jr. investigation and complaint filed by Kenaco and his senior investigator.
Officer Keneco at the HiloPD called and explained that “somehow” someone from the sargeant’s level on up to the lieutenant or chief dropped the ball or “lost the paperwork.” These admissions and Dr. Horowitz’s replies are on this next audio file:
We spoke with Sargeant Artienda at HPD on Oct. 25, 2018 after a week of being put off by the dispatcher.
He informed us that the case was sent to Prosecutor Roth’s office on August 5, 2018, according to his records.
When we told him Tammy in Roth’s office claimed it was not, he did some more research.
He called us back and told us that the records official, Ms. Akiona, decided for some reason to not forward the case. He said he would need to do more research and get back to us tomorrow (Friday).
Sgt. Artienda never called, so we called him at 4:57.
He was not in, we were told. But he called us about an hour later.
He said he discovered and corrected the problem.
He said that a superior officer put the completed indictment into the “wrong tray.”
It was sitting there for nearly 3 months with the “statute of limitations” clock ticking, ticking, ticking.
This is the third time we have witnessed the same kind of unreasonable or irresponsible delay in the HPD getting our complaints to Prosecutor Roth’s office. Here is the good news from Sgt. Artienda:
Meanwhile, Judge J. Michael Seabright continued to stonewall the Grand Jury Complaint filed by retired homicide detective James Benish featuring Paul J. Sulla, Jr. and his additional victims, here are some of the related articles and filings:
Federal Grand Jury Activated in Hawaii Investigates Government Corruption and Murder
Retired Homicide Detective Jim Benish’s letter to the U.S Attorney in Hawaii regarding our case:
Jim Benish letter to Justice Department
Response letter rom the Judicial Conduct Committee after submitting a complaint to them about Judge Ronald Judge Ronald Ibarra and Judge Fujino.
Response from Hawaii judicial Committee
Letter to the Attorney General of Hawaii regarding Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s forgeries aided and abetted by Collins Tomei, a notary and bank manager for Territorial Savings in Hilo, Hawaii, and also a Third Circuit Officer. (the same court that gave Paul J. Sulla, Jr. our property, with disregard for his confirmed forgeries and without giving us a trial, Violating our 14th Amendment rights.
letter-to-dep-attorney-wong-w-exhibits-1-9-10-20-16 signature-comparisons1
Photos of the Paul J. Paul J. Sulla, Jr., Jr. (center) Jason Jason Hester (right) and Jason Hester imposter (left and also bottom photo right.) The imposter and along with Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s secretary, Lokie White and a fake family for the Jason Hester impersonator (bottom right seen covering their faces) were brought to court by Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s attorney, Stephen Whittaker (bottom photo left).

Paul J. Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s Jr’s Illegal Ayahuasca Drug Church congregation. Paul J. Paul J. Sulla, Jr. conceals himself in this photo. (He can be seen: far right, between rows 1 & 2, the only one with dark sunglasses on)
Letter to Police 6-11-16 for Police Report regarding Paul J. Sulla, Jr. breaking into our home.
Affidavit of Witness 1 to the Paul J. Sulla, Jr break in
Affidavit of Witness 2 to Paul J. Sulla, Jr the break in
The Hilo Sheriff department refused to come and evict us because they knew it was not right. So Paul J. Sulla, Jr. once again decided to take matters into his own hands and he hired a Maui Sheriff- Patrick Sheriff Patrick Sniffen to come and evict our land caretaker, Clay since we were on off island.
So on July 6, 2016, Clay was not home at the time, so Sheriff Patrick Sniffen trespassed through our locked gates, and walked right into our home. I tried to call Clay after a friend called to tell me that there was a black SUV blocking our driveway.
Sheriff Patrick Sniffen answered our phone when I called, and told me who he was, and then hung up on me when I asked why he was in my home.
We contacted the police for assistance and instead of assisting us, they assisted Sheriff Patrick Sniffen in handing over our home to Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s cronies including his realtor, Lori Enriquez, and Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s subordinate process server, Robert Dukat of Pyramid process.
I tried calling the house again and this time Lori Enriquez answered the phone and said that we no longer had possession.
We followed up with the original cop that told Paul J. Sulla, Jr. to leave the property, Officer Walker and we captured the conversation of him and his supervisor Sargeant Essension on audio.
They give us the lame excuse, it’s all a civil matter once again:
This is a filing by our attorney Margaret Wille in response to Paul J. Sulla, Jr. attempting to evade responding to our Appeals brief, by requesting that the court allow him a 3rd extension
Bradley Tamm, Attorney for the U.S Bankruptcy Court of Hawaii, Trustee, Howard Hu, aided and abetted Paul J. Sulla, Jr. in his property theft, and now also heads the Office of Disciplinary Counsel in Hawaii (ODC.)
Tamm signed off on the complaint against Paul J. Sulla, Jr., and Stephen Whittaker, even though, it was a conflict of interest for him to do that. It turns out that Tamm was disciplined in California before he came to Hawaii.
Chair Of Hawaii ODC Defends Bradley Tamm’s Conflict of Interest.
Bradley Tamm confronted by Horowitz and Kane.
Paul J. Sulla, Jr.’s son, Jasun Sulla, was recently indicted for child pornography.
Other Stories regarding the corruption of Paul J. Paul J. Sulla, Jr., Jr:
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. set up a trust for Hawaii’s largest gun dealer, Arthur Cecil Loran Lee Ong.
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. told Ong that the trust was legal.
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. was named in the superceding indictment. Paul J. Sulla, Jr. walked, and Ong and 3 other went to prison:
United States of America v. Arthur Cecil Loran Lee Ong
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. lived on Kauai in the 90’s before the Big Island, and there was a nice woman that wanted to start a community radio station.
Her name was Janet Friend. She got people to donate to make it happen including the late Glenn Frey who donated 50K.
Paul J. Sulla, Jr. smelled money coming in from some other infiltrator, and he highjacked the stations and transferred everything into his name illegally and took the money.
Janet was so upset she developed stomach cancer and died.
She was only in her 40’s.
This is a video before she died with Paul J. Sulla, Jr. when he was younger lying and scheming. Watch the Video HERE.
Click Here for the Affidavit of two of the victims in this Kauai radio highjacking crime
Survey Says … Hawaii Is Corrupt!
Attorney Paul J Paul J. Sulla, Jr. involved in Real Property Theft
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